Kim's Blog!

Monday, March 14, 2005


Hey hey!!
What's up?
Ok so since this is my first post I'll explain a little about me first. Well...I'm an 18 year old female living in Calgary. I am currently attending SAIT taking Business Administration and majoring in Financial Services. I go to school in the morning and work in the afternoon. I work at a printing company for my dad. It's easy work and pretty good pay. Makes me happy.

Right now I am actually in class. Kind of paying attention to what we are doing. It's Business Mathematics so I am just copying down all of the notes that are being written...pretty easy.
After I am done class which is at's off to work for the afternoon.

So the mood that I am in right now it pretty weird. I broke up with my boyfriend a week ago. We had been dating for almost 5 months. I broke up with him because I just couldn't take it anymore..too much bullshit going on and I knew that it wasn't worth it anymore. He was making me more upset then he was making me happy. He was constantly getting mad at me and yelling at me for stupid things. Which just isn't right. For the most part I am happy that I broke up with him, but just like any other break up, it's hard. Yesterday and today are prety rough. I really miss him.

This weekend though was pretty good...besides all of the homework that I had to do. I had a big project due this past thursday that I didn't get done in time, so I had to do it this weekend..and I actually finished it and handed it in this morning. Which is awesome! Other then homework, Friday afternoon/night I went shopping with Amy (my best friend) and bought some clothes, perfume, sandals, and a cd. After shopping we went out for dinner and then called it a night. It was definately a fun night.

Anyways that's all. I gotta get back to actually paying attention in class.

See ya


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