Kim's Blog!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Today has been crazy......
I got into two arguments with my communications teacher today. That was first thing this morning which made me kinda pissed off all day.
Work was crazy.
Did an online test tonight for one of my courses and got so tired of it that I gave up and got 33% on it. But whatever it's only worth 2.5% of my final mark so I don't really care.
Studying for micro-economics test that I have tomorrow....wish me luck..I hope I do as well as my last economics test...87%.
I think I am gonna start failing my courses....too much homework and assignments and tests and just not enough time to do it all. I'm scared.... I can't fail!!!!! Oh well I'll take some time off work and try to get some shit done.

Anyways..lookin forward to the weekend...goin to Schanks on Friday to get drunk! yes! I don't get drunk often, but I definately need to right now.

Well I'm off to bed now

Good night


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