Kim's Blog!

Sunday, March 20, 2005


So I got my hair highlighted today. I'm soo excited. It's definately a shock when I see myself in the mirror. I haven't had any blonde in my hair since the end of grade 10!! That was a long time ago. I think it looks good though. And it better look good for the amount of money I spent on it.

Other then that I didn't do anything today. Slept till 11. And was at the hair salon from 2:15 till 5.

The wedding that I went to last night was alright. Nothing too exciting.

I can't believe the amount of snow we have. It's the first day of spring today and we have snow! It's stupid.

Well it's off to school tomorrow..I have class from 8-12. Then I am coming home to study and do homework. I am taking Monday and Tuesday of this week and next week off work so that I can catch up on school work because I have been slacking off sooo bad and I can't afford to screw it up now...I'm almost done my first year of college. It's actually kinda scarey to think about.

Anyways, I'm gonna watch a movie and then go to bed.
Good night.


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