Kim's Blog!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I don't need his bullshit!

So right now life could definately be better.
I sat an cried last night for about 3 hours...I just couldn't stop no matter what I tried to do.
So there are a few reasons as to why I was crying and basically having an emotional break down......

School is damn stressful right now. Teachers like to pile everything on in the same couple of weeks.

Yesterday I went to this cranial therapy. I go every second week for my migraines. It really helps but sometimes it can screw me up pretty bad that day. It can make me over-emotional and just make me start crying for no reason. This is because when this therapy is done it releases toxins from your organs. I'm not gonna get into all that crap detail though. can just cause you too be very emtional.

I spent about an hour and a half on the weekend writing an email to my ex-bf, Jeff, telling him how I felt and trying to explain a lot of shit to him. And by last night I hadn't gotten a reply from him. Nate, jeffs friend, (who I have been talking to for about the last week and who gave me the idea of writing Jeff the email) was going to talk to Jeff on sunday night.
Last night I got into a huge fight with Jeff. I was talking to Nate, on msn and I knew something was up because "Nate" was being an ass to me and he never is. But I just continued talking to him and bitching a little about Jeff. Later on last night Nate told me that it really was Jeff talking to me earlier on his msn. This completely pissed me off, but I had kinda known it was either Jeff talking to me on Nates msn or Jeff was with Nate. While Jeff was talking to me on Nate's msn, Nate wasn't around his computer, and didn't know that Jeff was talking to until Jeff yelled at Nate and told Nate to take over talking to me because Jeff didn't know what to say to me anymore.
So Nate said he was really sorry and told me that I couldn't tell Jeff though that I knew it was him. Or else Jeff would kill Nate. After that was all done, Nate told me to talk to Jeff and see what Jeff had to say and kinda be a bitch to him. So I was talking to Jeff and as soon as he wrote me something I would paste it to Nate and Nate would tell me what to say to Jeff. It was good... with Nates help, I completely bitched at Jeff.
I felt a little better after that. Then I continued talk to Nate, after I had blocked Jeff, and I asked Nate "why would you help me be a bitch to your best friend?" Nate basically explained to me that he thought I was good for Jeff and it would benefit Jeff to have me in his life. But it's Jeff's fault if he doesn't want me. Nate told me "don't let it get to you, it's his lost"
Nate told me some good songs to download and listen to. They all have to do with breaking up with someone, and being ok on your own.
The songs are:
Boys 2 Men - I'm doin just fine (Nate told me to learn the words and sing them loud hahah)
112 - It's over now
Craig David - Don't love you no more
3LW - Could've been you
Avant - Seperate Remix
Ashanti - Over

They are all really good songs.

I'll be ok in the next couple of days..I just need to get over this crap and make myself realize.... I don't need his bullshit!!!


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