Kim's Blog!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

This post is dedicated to...

Jeff M!!!!!!

Just because you wanted me to update my blog I decided I would dedicate this post to you. So, HEY JEFF! how's it goin????

Other then that this post is gonna be gay. I haven't really done anything since my last post.
Yesterday I went out shopping for a bit, then went to Amy's boyfriends hockey game. It was pretty fun.
Then today I have just done some homework, gotten pissed off at my homework, and have been depressed. Life isn't great at the moment. Oh well.
3 weeks left of classes, and 1 week of exams. The 29th I am getting very drunk. FUN FUN! lol



  • OH kimmy kim kim, i want to take this moment to say you are amazing! And i have reverted into my previous state also known as the "syndrome found on New Years Eve". This is not a good syndrome, it makes you miss people, even when they aren't nice t oyou... im sad :(

    By Blogger JAME, at 8:51 PM  


    By Blogger Gumbi, at 1:40 AM  

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