Kim's Blog!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

So much fun!


So I was in banff last night for Blitzprint's Christmas Party. It was soooooo much freakin fun. I called in sick to work yesterday so that Joelle and I could spend some time in banff walking around. I found this jacket in one store that I was trying so hard to convince my dad to buy for me but he wouldn't....which kinda makes sense considering it was $700. Hahaha But the party was a lot of fun. Joelle and I got really drunk. Danced a lot and laughed a lot. A bunch of us hung out in one of the rooms until was tons of fun. Didn't feel all that great this morning. Hahaha Oh well. Totally worth it.
Everyone last night was telling me how excited that they are about me coming back to work there. I think it will be a good time.

3 more days left at First Calgary. Super excited about that.

Hot tub party this upcoming weekend. I have pretty much given up any hope of Ryan coming down from Fort Mac. It's a long story..I just can't be bothered wasting my time right now. I'm not gonna call him and try and get him to come down. If he calls me and says he is coming down...well cool.

Mmmm not much else to say.
Going to bed pretty soon.

Good night.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

1.5 weeks left!


So BC was freakin awesome. Soooo much fun. Joelle and I got frunk Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Haha Other then that we didn't do too much out there. We went to Vernon one day, and Kelowna another day. And went to this cool waterfall that was half frozen. Tons of fun. Sooo much damn snow though. Haha

Well I have 1 and a half weeks left of working at my horrible job. lol I am hating it more and more every day. But oh well.....7 more days....
At least I am at alright branches for my last days. All of this week I am at Signal Hill branch..which isn't a bad branch. And then I am at Brentwood for 2 days and Signal Hill for 1 day of my final half of a week.
Oh and even though I am not staying with the company, I STILL have to go for my 6 month review on my second last day. How retarded is that???
I was talking to my mom the other night about it all and the more I talked about it, the more angry I got. It was kinda funny. lol
I just can't wait to start my new job.

Next weekend I am going to banff Saturday as soon as I am done work for my new jobs Christmas Party. So I am excited about that. Joelle is coming with me. And Chris is gonna be there too. Should be a good time.
The weekend after that Ryan is suppose to be coming down for the weekend. And I am gonna have a hot tub party that weekend. Yippee!!!
Then on the 21st Joelle got a limo package for the Firefighter Auction at Cowboys. Haha It's gonna be sooo much fun.

I hate trying to figure out what to do about guys. Haha Ryan....he is suppose to be coming down for the long weekend...(he's the guy from fort mac.) And I am really excited about seeing him because I have wanted to meet him since I started talking to him last April. But then the other day we were text messaging each other and he tells me he might be moving back home (Montreal) at the end of the month. So now I am all confused about if I want to meet him or not. Cuz I don't want to meet him and things go really well and then have him move across the freakin country a few weeks later. But then I also feel that if I don't meet him I will regret it. Ahhhh this all sucks. I don't know what to do.. :(

Well I don't think anything else is really happening.
Went to the gym with Joelle tonight and felt like I was going to die afterwards. We haven't been for like 2 was brutal. But I feel good now. Lol

Well I am off to bed.
I have to be up at 6:30 to go to that horrible place called work.

Good night.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

BC Time!!


A quick post before I leave. I am just waiting for Joelle and Ryan to come pick me up so we can leave!! :)

Good news.....I got a new job!! :) I accepted it this morning. I am going back to work for the company that my dad works for. I am gonna be the receptionist and do some of the accounting. YAY. I'm excited. I will be making more money too, which is totally awesome.
And I won't have to put up with the shit that goes on at First Calgary everyday.
And I get to go to the Christmas Party if I want. It's in February before I even start and everyone goes out to banff and the hotel and dinner is paid for. I'm not sure yet if I am gonna go yet, cuz I know I will have to work at the bank that day.
I start my new job on February 15th.

Well I am gonna go everything ready to go. I'll be back on Tuesday.

See ya!!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

2.5 hours hooked up to an IV


So this past Friday night was an interesting night....
I started getting a migraine Friday afternoon while I was at work but it didn't turn into anything too horrible. When I got home though it started getting worse and worse so I skipped eating dinner, took some tylenol and fell asleep on the couch. 2 hours later at about 8:30 I woke up in even more pain then I was in when I fell asleep. I started crying, ran to the bathroom and threw up and then curled up in a ball on my bed and started shaking. My mom tried to calm me down but I couldn't stop shaking because of the amount of pain I was in so my mom called the clinic downtown on 8th and 8th and they said it wasn't too long of a wait. So my parents took me down there. We got down there at 9:30 and sat in the waiting room for 3 hours before I got called in. The doctor came in and checked me out and told me they were gonna give me a pill that is for migraines and should work right away and get rid of my migraine. So I took the pill and waited for 15 minutes and it wasn't doing anything. So they hooked me up to an IV. But they had a really hard time finding a vein, and when they finally did find one good enough it was really small so they had to use a small needle. So they put 2 small bags of medicine in me and 2 big bags of just fluid. So finally 2.5 hours later and being 3:30am I was allowed to go home.
It was a pretty shitty night.

On a happier note...I go to BC soon!!! 2 more days of work left this week!! YAY! I am super excited!

I am probably quiting the bank. I am thinking of going back to work for the company that my dad works for and be the receptionist/accountant. Which would be cool. I am just waiting for the guy who would be my boss to email me.

Well I suppose I am off too bed.
Work tomorrow!

Good night.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Time for vacation!!


So work is work. Ya go figure. BUT I did see Jeff the other day...that was awesome.
There is this one girl at the branch whom I absolutely HATE. She tries really hard to boss me around and I am just a complete bitch back to her. It's not even like she is older then it's not like I have to be nice cuz she is old. Anyways...I will snap at her one day and pretty much tell her to fuck off.

I am going to BC soon!!!! Yay!!! I need to vacation from work. I am going from January 25-30 with Joelle to Salmon Arm. I'm so excited. Ryan (Joelle's bf who still lives in BC) is coming to Calgary to get us and drive us to BC and then he is driving us back to Calgary too. It'll be tons of fun.

Nothing else is really happening.... I'm kind of a loser..I sit at home a lot and do nothing.

Well today I did go shopping with Joelle. I have this problem with spending money lately...I just can't seem to spend any!! So I decided I was going to take money out of my work bank account (which I usually don't spend that money) and just go spend it. So I took out $450 and I actually came home with $100. I FCUK zip-up jacket, a t-shirt, jeans, a shirt for work, Pineapple-Coconut lotion (yum), 2 pairs of mitts, a make-up brush. AND I spent my $50 MAC giftcard (on make-up in case you don't know what MAC is! haha) Yes I am quite happy.

Anyways... it's bedtime soon. Gotta work tomorrow.

See ya

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Christmas and New Years


So Christmas around my house was a pretty busy time. Christmas Eve we have my dad's side of the family over for the traditional fondue. There were 17 of us. Then on Christmas day we had my mom's side of the family over for Turkey dinner and there were 20 of us. Then on boxing day we went out to my aunt's pig farm in Crossfield and had dinner out there with the extended side of my dad's family. All in all though it was a pretty awesome time. The main thing I got from my parents was a diamond necklace. And then I also got clothes, a few dvd's, money, stuff like that. My dad also bought the family a movie theatre style popcorm maker for in the basement. It's awesome!!!

New Years Eve was soooooo much fun. 9 of us went up to Schanks and just had ton's of fun. Joelle was trying to set me up with one of her bf's was weird though..I dunno what was going on. He didn't know that she was trying to set us up and blah blah blah. It was totally fun. I didn't get home until 4:00am. And was rather drunk all night. Hahaha

Anyways not much else is is work. I am at the Crowfoot branch for 3 weeks. So that's nice...close to home..and I don't mind working at that branch.

See ya

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I hate my job.


Yea I hate my job right's horrible. I am tired of getting yelled at by customers for crap that I can't control. Whatever though....maybe I will go look for a job if it doesn't get better in a couple of months.

Evan and I broke up. Yea that didn't last very long. He broke up with me...and his excuse was pretty lame. Meh whatever....not really upset about it all....

I still have this desire to meet Ryan. He's the guy who lives up in Fort McMurray. I've been talking to him since like April. And yea I still really really want to meet him. I haven't talked to him very much lately though and so I sent him a message on myspace and he sent me one back saying that he is coming to Calgary soon. So that might be cool...

Jenny (my brothers gf) came back tonight from her vacation. She went on a cruise with the people that she works for. She had to work the whole time she was on the trip (taking care of the 2 year old twins) but still. She brought me back this wicked bellly button ring.

Putting up the Christmas decorations this week. Yea we still don't have the tree up...we kinda had to wait until Jenny came back.
Almost done my christmas shopping. Not tooo much more to go. Which is really cool. And well good considering it's almost Christmas.

Well that's about it. It's getting kinda late..I guess I should get to bed.

Good night.