Kim's Blog!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Snow = Crap!


I am really slacking on doing updates on here. Sorry!

Had a hot tub party kinda thing at my house a couple of weekends ago. It was a good time. Good group of people. I got rather drunk, but it was totally fun. We went in the hot tub and acted like idiots and jumped out and sat in the snow for a bit. Other then going in the hot tub we just hung out and watched tv. Good times. I miss hanging out with groups of friends.

Haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet. Actually that's a lie... I bought one thing for Brad today. Meh I'll start sometime this week.. Joelle and I are going to go shopping one day. And I am not expecting it to take me too long to get my shopping done.

I am so happy that Joelle is back in Calgary for a while. We have become super close friends lately. We hang out at least twice a week. And it's just tons of fun. We usually go to Starbucks at least once a week. Hahaha And get our usual.....Grande Non-Fat Light Whip Peppermint Mocha. HaHaHa YES!

Work is still going good. The week after conversion was stressful, and we are still dealing with a lot of people yelling at us because of the changes but you usually just have to laugh about it. I get to go back to Crowfoot branch in the beginning of December which is awesome. I am super excited. I haven't been back there since September when I was done my first month of training.

Things with the boy are going alright. We hang out lots. And I am usually happy.

Well that's it.
See ya


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