Kim's Blog!

Sunday, September 17, 2006



I haven't updated for a while so I figured it was time to. And well I do have stuff to update about.

Work is going pretty good. Finished my first week of being mobile. I am getting my schedules though, and I am working like every Saturday. It totally sucks. I hate it! But whatever. Tomorrow I am gonna write an email to the lady that is in charge of my scheduling and ask if she can not schedule me for every Saturday. With working Saturday's I can't really do much Friday night cuz I have to be up so early on Saturday and then by the time I get home from work I don't really feel like doing much Saturday night. So that sucks.

The party that we had last weekend for my dad's company was awesome. It was so fun to see everyone who I hadn't seen for a month. And it was fun hanging out with Chris. We went in the hot tub and just hung out and got drunk. Chris ended up just staying the night here because his parent's were leaving at 10 and I told his dad that he couldn't take Chris from me that early. So Chris and I ended up hanging out downstairs watching tv and doing other stuff.... until 4 am. Haha it was a good time.

And well I guess that biggest news....Ab and I broke up on Monday. Yup. It finally happened. He had been acting like an ass for a few days and not really speaking to me so finally when I talked to him Monday night I asked him what his problem was and he said he didn't love me anymore and didn't care about me either. So yea that was the end of it. I have to say though that I wasn't feeling all that in love with him either towards the end. He was pretty much just acting like an ass and I was getting tired of him not talking to me. And well with stuff happening Saturday night that just really told myself that I didn't care too much about Ab anymore anyways.
I am not too upset about it all though. Yea I cried Monday night when I talked to my mom about it. But I really know that it just needed to happen and he wasn't the guy that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Tuesday I felt so free and just happy. I wasn't worrying about why he was mad at me or anything. So I guess it's all good. And definately for the best. And now I am just gonna go and have fun being single.
And hopefully I can meet Ryan now...cuz I still really want to meet him. I just either have to get up to Fort McMurray, or he needs to come down here. Hmmm...

Tuesday night I went out with Evan and went for a ride on his motorbike. It was pretty awesome. First time I had been on a motorbike. And had tons of fun.

Well there's not too much else to say. It's back to work tomorrow. Boooooo. My day off this week is Friday. That seems like a long time away.

See ya.


  • Evan never offered to take me for a ride on his bike...

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 9:36 PM  

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