Kim's Blog!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

New house


Sorry for the super long time without a post. It's been pretty busy around here.

So we moved into the new house on the 7th. And it's awesome. We are almost settled in. Most of the boxes are unpacked at least. I don't even really miss the old house.
I love my new bedroom. It's so nice. Very cozy. Nothing is really unpacked though yet. I need to get some shelves up and then I'll be able to start unpacking.
We got the hot tub working today. And I went in it tonight for the first time. It's awesome. So relaxing.

For my birthday, my parents paid for part of a 32 inch widescreen lcd tv for my bedroom (and I paid for the rest of it). It's sooooo damn nice.

Hmm nothing else is really new.
I applied for a few jobs last week and had a couple of interviews during the week too. So that's pretty exciting. I can finally hopefully get into my field of work and get to stop working with my dad.

I am not really in the story telling/typing mood tonight. So that's gonna be it for this one. But I will give a better update one night soon.

See ya


  • Can i come to your house and watch your TV

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 11:51 PM  

  • sure you can..and go in the hot tub if you want to! haha

    By Blogger Kim, at 9:39 PM  

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