Kim's Blog!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I am so damn stressed right now. It's unbelievable. ButI figured I had a few extra minutes before I go to bed to update this.

So exams are coming up really soon, and I haven't started to study for them yet. I'm concerned.
I am so scared about one of my exams that the other night I had this horrible dream about it. AHHH.

Tonight I was working on a Finacnial Plan Assignment that is due on Friday. I was not quite sure what I had to do for it, and after pretty much completing it, I am still not sure what I was suppose to do. But I made up 5 pages of bullshit, and I will write another 2 pages tomorrow and hope I can pull off a good enough mark. Considering it's worth 20% of my final mark. But my teacher is pretty stupid, and just hands out marks, so I am pretty sure I will get a good enough mark.

Tomorrow morning I am goin to work with my dad from about 7:30 until about 12. I am gonna leave around noon and come home so that I can finish that stupid assignment and then hopefully start preparing for final exams.

Hmmm..the whole house situation...
Yeah it's all in the back of my head while I am stressing about school.
My mom is starting to pack the basement, so I am trying to help her do a bit of that at night.
The sold sign went up on our house today. It's pretty exciting. My parents might be able to start to relax a little bit now.
We get possesion June 2nd. And we are going to move all the small stuff ourselves from the 2nd to the 6th. Then the 7th, my parents are hiring a moving company to come and move all the furniture. Then the new people get possesion of this house June 9th (my birthday). Haha. It's going to be a very crazy week. But it will be exciting too.

Well I better get to bed.
I'll try to post again in a couple of days. But I apologize if I don't get a chance to.


  • Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:46 AM  

  • Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:47 AM  

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