Kim's Blog!

Sunday, January 29, 2006


I don't really have anything to update about. Nothing exciting has really happened. But I will give you a point form overview of what has happened in the past week...
- nothing exciting in school. Had a test on Friday. Didn't go so well, let's just say it resulted in an F.
- been getting lots of stupid migraines. Went to cranial on Thursday but it didn't really help. I go to a chiropractor on the 6th. Hopefully that'll help. If not it's off to the doctors to get some medication.
- Friday night I babysat. Friday @ 5pm till Saturday @ 2:30pm. It was alright. Ab was over there with me Friday night for a bit. I made $140. So I can't really complain considering all I really did was sit on the couch.
- Last night I just hung out at home. Ab came over around 10:30 after he was done work. I had a bad migraine so we just sat and watched Friends Season 10 on dvd. I ended up falling asleep cuz I was in so much pain.
- Today, went and looked at some houses with my parents. My parents want to move before my dad has to go in for knee surgery. Then had family over for dinner for my Opa's birthday.

Yeah that pretty much sums it all up.

Except there is something else that I need to express. Ab and I have been fighting a lot lately and its really bothering me. It got to the point that one night this past week when we were agruing that I was just ready to break up with him. It hurt so much to think that this had gotten to that point. I was pretty sure that I only felt that way because I was upset at that moment, and so I called a friend and bitched to him about it, and by the end of that I had calmed down quite a bit. But I was still pretty upset. Ab had turned off his phone so that I would have no way to contact him which just made everything worse when I had tried to call him to talk about it. Well finally we ended up starting by arguing over msn, and then I called him and we talked on the phone for a few hours. After all that I was still upset but claimed that I wouldn't just to make him happy. We ended up kinda arguing the next day too. But when we finally sat down and actually talked about it, we both realized that we are just being really stupid lately, and we both need to make a good effort to stop arguing so much and stop being so stupid about some things. I really hope that things get better between him and I because I do love him and I don't want him out of my life.

Well that's it. I need to go get ready for bed. 8am class tomorrow morning. Not cool.


P.S. Happy Birthday Jeff!!!! Damn you are getting old. Haha ( I know your birthday isn't today, but I figured an early Happy Birthday was better then none at all)


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