Kim's Blog!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Doin pretty good

Yeah life is going pretty good right now...I actually don't have much to complain about..Wow hey?

Things are good right now with Ab and I. We haven't fought since last Tuesday/Wednesday. YAY! And hmmmm....I met his dad last night! I was very scared! But it all went good. Except for the fact that I couldn't understand some things that he said to me. But it's all good. Ab just answered a few questions for me. Hehehe

School is going awesome for once. I had 3 tests last week. I know the marks for 2 of them...
Financial Management: 102.5% OHHH YA!
International Business: 86%
Ya I am pretty happy about those. My other test I will get the mark back next Tuesday. It was a midterm in stats. I am not really worried about it though. I think I did pretty good. Or at least lets hope that I did good.

I don't really know what else to say. I haven't been up to very much.
Saturday night I went out with Ab and his friends. We went to a pub called Limericks, and then went to Outlaws for a bit. I wasn't really in the mood though to be at a club. I went to Cranial Saturday afternoon and cried quite a bit, and so for the rest of the day I just wasn't really in a wicked mood. But oh well. I still had tons of fun with Ab and his friends.

I really realized this weekend that I know all the gossip that goes on around the front end of co-op. It's almost as if I work there. I know who quit, who likes who, who's dating who... etc. But I suppose between Ab and Brad I hear a lot of stuff that goes on.
Saturday night the majority of the people there either work or did work at co-op. So they were talking about everything, and I pretty much knew exactly who and what they were talking about.
Sunday, we (my family) were going out for dinner, and we just picked Brad up from work and went straight to the restuarant. So when we went to pick Brad up I went inside and took him some clothes so that he could change. I didn't see him up front, so I just went back to the staff room, where I did find him. So I gave him his clothes and while I was standing outside of the change room waiting for him, another service clerk walked by me and stopped to talk to me. The conversation pretty much went like this...service clerk: "umm, ummm, umm, are you, are you, are you..." Me: "Brad's sister...?" Service Clerk: "YEAH I knew you looked familiar!"
Ummm yeah I have never talked to this guy before then. I had seen him around co-op a couple of times. It was kinda weird that he just knows who I am. I probably could have said: Ab's girlfriend. And he would have known who I was too.
Pretty much everyone up front knows who I am. They either me as Brad's sister or Ab's girlfriend. Actually one of the supervisors just calls Ab Brad's brother in-law now. If she doesn't see Ab she just says to Brad "hey where is your brother in-law." Even one of the managers of the store knows who I am. And all the front end supervisors know who I am. Which is kinda weird.

Well that's all. I'm gonna go watch tv for a bit, or something. See ya.
PS Finally a happy post.


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