Kim's Blog!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Turkey Weekend!

Hey you! Yup you..
So I realized once again that I really don't update very often.
This week has gone by pretty damn fast. I didn't realize that I updated on Monday, and that it is already Friday. Oh wow.

Turkey weekend!!!! I get 2 turkey dinners this weekend. Ohhh yeah! Sunday we are going to my aunt's house (mom's side of the family). It'll be alright I guess, we never really see that side of the family. And then Monday my mom is cooking dinner, and a few people are coming over. Probably my grandparents.

So Hmm update of the week...
Tuesday I had a test, and I am pretty sure that I failed it. It was a hard one. I was just guessing on a lot of the questions cuz I had absolutely no idea what the answer was. I should be getting my mark back pretty soon, hopefully today.

Wendnesday I woke up with a horrible migraine. I didn't go to school. I went back to bed at about 6:45am when I decided that I shouldn't go to school, and was in bed sleeping on and off until 1pm. And then I got up and went downstairs, took tylenol and gravol, and went back to sleep for another hour and a half. hahaha. It finally went away for the most part, and then I started getting it back later that night. And I have had headaches on and off ever since then. I called cranial clinic yesterday, but I can't go until next Saturday, so that pretty much means a week of headaches. Oh well.

Today I am going to hang out with Kenny after school at the Gate. And then going to chinook for a bit. Then head over to my dad's work (my old work), so that I can visit some of the people. Yes there are a few people there that I miss and I wanna go back and see. My dad tells me that they all miss me too. Hahaha

80 days till I leave for mexico. I am pretty excited. I want to be able to just get away for a while. We are going December 27-January 6. Yippppeeee!!!!! Ab isn't too happy that I am going, and well neither are my parents. Oh well. They will be fine and get over it. hehehehe And I will just make sure I spend time before I leave, and lots when I get back.
Jenny is going back to newfoundland for christmas for 2 weeks. She leaves December 14th, and comes back December 27. (I leave in the morning, she comes back at night). And so with her being gone we will miss her birthday (december 22) and miss celebrating christmas with her.
So last night Jenny, my Mom, and I decided that we going to celebrate Jenny's birthday on December 11, and celebrate Christmas on January 7 (when I get back from Mexico). Hahaha New holidays!

Thing's are going better with Ab. We had a good talk on Wednesday night. And last night when I saw him when I went to go pick Brad up from work, everything was good. So that does make life better. :)

Anyways, I am in class, and I should really pay attention even though it is only Business Law class.



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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:46 AM  

  • He's Pretty good looking, maybe you should bake him a cake or somesing... :) happy turkey day Binkey

    By Blogger JAME, at 10:52 AM  

  • HEY FOOL... UPDATE! you know, when you're busy in your classes like a smart little mouse...

    By Blogger JAME, at 3:09 PM  

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