Kim's Blog!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fun fun!

So this weekend turned out to be pretty good.

Friday night I worked late, well till about 7, but that's ok. I ended up being the last one there besides my dad, so I just hung out in the back by myself and did some work that needed to get done.

Saturday morning I went to cranial. Definately needed to go. After that I came home for a bit and then went and got my hair done. I got it cut. Nothing too different just added some more layers in. Got a couple of inches cut off in some spots. And then I got the under half of my hair died dark brownish red, and then got my blonde highlights touched up. It looks sooo awesome. I love it. So I came home after that and straightened my hair, and then didn't really expect to do anything the rest of the night.

After dinner Brad (my younger brother) told me that I was going to play basketball with him and Ab at the scenic acres basketball courts at 8:10. So I said ok sure. So we went down there and there was another guy who Brad and Ab work with, Shane. We just hung out, shooting hoops. I couldn't manage to get any in, and then finally I found my sweet spot!! Oh yeah! So I little side tracked story for a moment, I need to explain something...Ab really likes me. He thinks I'm really pretty and cool and I guess always talks to my brother and other guys about me at work. Which is fine. He is a really cool guy. So back to the story. I kept getting shot in after shot. I got like 3 in in a row and so Ab runs up to me and picks me up and gives me a huge hug. But then Brad gets all defensive and tells Ab to back away from me. After a while Ab, Shane, and I start doing shots of Smirnoff Twisted Citrus. It was pretty good at first, and then after a while it got kinda nasty. But I ended up getting a pretty good buzz off of it, and Ab was pretty buzzed too. So we played some more basketball while being buzzed, layed on the ground and looked at the stars. Just hung out. Then at 11:30 Brad told me we were going home because he wanted to go to bed because he had to work this morning. But I didn't wanna leave. So I told Ab and Shane just to come to my house and we would hang outside for a while longer. So we get home and I got Ab's number from Brad and called him to see if he was coming. He wasn't going to but I told him that he had to. So him and Shane came over, and I went and sat outside with them for a while. We just layed on the grass and talked. It was sooo frickin cold. Ab and I were cuddling and shivering. Around 1 Ab and Shane left. I got a good night hug and a kiss on the cheek from Ab. Then I came inside and went to bed an hour later.
Pretty was one of the best nights I have had in a long time. I think I really like Ab. He is such an awesome guy and just sooo nice. It's crazy though how defensive Brad is. He wants to protect me too much. It's funny but kinda sucks all at the same time.

Well that's all.
2 more weeks till school.
And 10 more days left of my job!!


  • Brothers are spost to look out for their sisters. I mean I being a brother have interrogated a few guys. It's out job.

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 1:44 AM  

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