Kim's Blog!

Monday, August 01, 2005


Holy crap it's hot outside. I was just outside playing basketball with my younger brother and I almost died from the heat.

This past week was pretty boring. Only worked 2 and a half days because there wasn't anything for me to do at work.
Monday afternoon though I went shopping at chinook at bought some new belly button barbells. And then yesterday afternoon when my cousin was over here she changed it for me cuz I was too scared to do it myself. So now I have a silver ball on the top, and 2 silver dolphins and a blue stone on the bottom.

Tuesday afternoon and Thursday night I babysat the girls that used to live across the street from me that now live a couple of blocks away. They have such a nice house. We went in the hot tub tuesday afternoon. Haha. Thursday night though the youngest one who is almost 2 was being such a brat. Everytime I would pick her up she would kick me and scream at me. When we went outside she ran onto the road and then she kept running up and down the street. And then by the end of the night whenever I walked in to the room she would scream at me. How lovely.

So only 4 more weeks till I go back to school. It seems crazy that it's been 3 months since school ended. But I am actually excited to go back.

I NEED to find a new job. I can't work where I am working anymore. As soon as I go back to school that's it, I am not working there anymore. I'll go in some afternoons if they need help but I am not workin everyday after school again. I've applied at a couple of places and I am just gonna find a bunch of other places to apply at.

Well that's pretty much it I guess.


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