Kim's Blog!

Sunday, May 29, 2005


So I know I haven't posted now for almost a week but that's because I was working too much this week to even worry about updating. Tuesday I worked about 9 hours. Wednesday I worked 12.5 hours. Thursday I worked 11 hours and Friday I worked 10.5 hours. It's gonna be an awesome pay cheque.

Other then work I have just been super sick this week and I keep getting worse. My mom is making me go to the clinic at some point today because I keep caughing. It's not very good. I think I might have bronchitis again or just some kinda of lung infection.

Friday night after I got home from work I went and picked up Nicole and we went to the mall and then went for a walk around Bowness Park.
Last night I went out for dinner with Nicole, Curtis, and Justin. Then we all came back to my house and Amy came over after a while and we all just hung out being weird and having fun. Then around 9 we left my house. Curtis and Justin left and went to Cowboys. And Nicole, Amy and I went and picked up Casey and then we went to Kilkenny's. I was the DD so I didn't drink at all. But I was fine with that because being so sick I didn't really want to drink anyways. Then around 11 I went and picked up Jeff M after he was done work and brought him to hang out with us. Amy's boyfriend was also there. Then there were also a bunch of other people from Bowness that just happened to be there. It was a fun night.

Nicole leaves tomorrow morning to move to Grande Prairie. I'm soooo sad. I'm gonna miss her like crazy.

Today I have just slept, and sat outside and sun tanned.

Well that's all there is to update. Tomorrow it is back to work for another fun week of work. Hahaha

See ya


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