Kim's Blog!

Monday, May 09, 2005


So today hmmm...where to even begin.

Well I went to work and hoped that I would have a good day. But I'm not quite sure that is possible.
I discovered that I hate shipping/recieving and that I don't want to be doing it all summer. It's sooo boring and I am basically by myself for most of the day and I hate that. Let's just leave it at..I hate it!!! So I told my dad (because he is incharge of hiring a new shipper/reciever) this afternoon that I don't want to do it anymore, and he yelled at me. He got mad because I didn't want to. So we stood at work yelling at each other, I started crying, and he stomped away. But one of the lady's that I work with came and took me outside and talked to me and told me not to worry about it. So right now I am waiting for my dad to get home so that I can sit and listen to him yell at me more.

What else has happened tonight? hmm well I supposidly pissed off Jeff. Not quite sure how but whatever. He is still talking to me but he said I also pissed him off earlier. Whatever, doesn't really matter though. I talked to Kris and he pissed me off so I ended up just hanging up on him. And then I was talking to Terry, who is my ex-ex boyfriend, and we were just "play" aruging. It's like its the night to argue with me and try to piss me off. Oh well.

So a couple of weeks ago I won a lady's night limo package for The Whiskey from Vibe 98.5. Well this Thursday is the night that I am using it. It's gonna be soooo wicked. With the package I also got a $50 bar tab so that'll buy us a few drinks. It'll be fun, except most of us have to work Friday morning so we are gonna be sooo tired. Oh well I think being tired is definately worth the night out.

Well I think I am gonna go to bed even though its only 9.

Good night.


  • If you'd like, You could quit there and come work with me at Joey's?

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 3:15 AM  

  • like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:01 AM  

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