Kim's Blog!

Saturday, April 16, 2005


So far this weekend has been awesome!!! Except for a couple of parts, but whatever those don't really matter. I mean the other person doesn't care, so why should I!?

Last night I hung out with Casey. It was soo much fun. We went to the mall, then went out for dinner. After dinner we went for a drive up to patterson hill and looked at all the nice expensive houses. It was fun, we had nothing else to do. lol. Then we went over to our friends house for a bit, but didn't wanna be there because there were a bunch of girls that are in grade 12. So we left and went to see a couple of my guy friends who I hadn't seen for a couple of years. It was awesome. Sooo much fun.
Then tonight I went out with some other friends. We were suppose to go to the Japanese Village for dinner, but it was full. And so we drove around trying to find somewhere else to eat. We ended up at Chili's. It was good. It was Nicole, Curtis, Justin and I. While at dinner Curtis and Justin went to the washroom so Nicole and I thought it would be funny to drink their pop. So she drank Justin's and I drank Curtis's. It was awesome to see the look on their faces when they came back. Ahahaha I don't think I have ever dranken soo much pop, soo fast, while laughing at the same time. After dinner my friend and I ditched the guys, and went to see the movie Guess Who. It was a pretty good movie. Very funny.

Now I am just sitting at home, relaxing. Probably go to bed pretty soon. I didn't get home until 1:45 last night and didn't get enough sleep.
Tomorrow I gotta work on some homework. And maybe go look at houses again with my parents. That's another thing I did today. I went to look at houses with my mom because my parents wanna move. So we found an awesome house, that my mom and I totally fell in love with. It's in Royal Oak. Soooo nice. So I think we are taking my dad there tomorrow to look at it.

Well I am off.
Good night.


  • I hope you get arrested for stealing someone's pop...

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 3:19 PM  

  • I'm sorry I took so long On friday kimmy :*( i feel bad! But at least i have amazing hair now! HAVE FUN, Yay modeling scary mauve shorts HAHAHA!

    By Blogger JAME, at 7:15 PM  

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