Kim's Blog!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Long time..

So I know it has been a long time since I have posted. Oops.

So to update on the major events that have happened since I last posted.....
I worked a lot. We were super busy at work all week. It was pretty crazy. And things did get better between my dad and I. We aren't fighting anymore which makes it better but I still wanna get a different job. The only thing that is kinda stopping me from getting a new job is that I want two weeks off in July so I can go to B.C. with my family and I dunno if I am gonna get those two weeks if I get a new job. Hmmm...

Thursday night I went to the Whiskey. It was soo much fun. Casey, Amy, and Jamie came with me. The limo ride was wicked. There was male entertainment which was fun, and then we danced for a few hours. Definately a fun night. The only thing that kinda screwed up my night was that Jeff was there too. He went with some people from work and so I was kinda pissed that he was there just because I wanted to have a night out without thinking about him. And of course since he was there I was constantly looking for him and watching for him. Which sucked. But whatever. I talked to him on the phone for like 2 hours after I got home. It was weird. Almost everytime we talk more and more shit comes out about our relationship and what happened. It's good though because we are able to talk about it all and not get mad at each other. So because I was talking to Jeff on the phone till 4am and had to get up early to go to work I only got an hour and a half of sleep.

So Friday I was super tired. And I have been really sick all week which didn't really help. I didn't want to be at work but we were so busy that I knew I needed to. But Friday afternoons the owners son, Chris and his friend, Mike come in and work after they are done school. They are both 17 but are pretty cool guys. We get along really well. So they invited me over to Chris's house Friday night because they were having a party. So I told them maybe and got Chris's number and said I'd call him later.
After I got home from work I had an hour nap because I was so damn tired and then I called Jamie because we were suppose to do something. We ended up going shopping for a while and of course I spent money. lol I bought a new pair of jeans and a new groggy jacket. Only spent $150. hahaha. So after shopping we went and got some food and then came back to my house. I called Chris like I said I would and we ended up going over to his house. The only shitty thing was that he lives on the complete opposite side of the city from me so it took like 35-45 minutes to get there. Oh well. We hung out there for a while with Chris and Mike and their friends and they were all completely hammered. Although I was trying to get Chris and Mike to drink more but they were being wimps.

Saturday I worked for most of the day. And then had a nap, then went for a walk with my mom.

Today I went out with my parents to look at houses. And now I am sitting here updating this lovely blog of mine. I think in a bit I am going for another walk with my mom.

Anyways, tomorrow is another long day of work.

I think this post is long enough. See ya


  • Walking is sweet

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 4:44 AM  

  • You are my hero Binkey... I think that maybe my nickname should be Noodle.. it may be the good one! .. yes.. i think i will change my name to noodle!

    By Blogger JAME, at 11:05 AM  

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