Kim's Blog!

Monday, May 23, 2005

A Fun Weekend

So this weekend was pretty fun. Definately nice being a long weekend and having that extra day off of work.
Friday afternoon of course I sat there and laughed most of the time at Chris and Mike. They were having fun taking pictures with my phone. Some of them are pretty weird pics. So after work I went over to Boston Pizza with my dad and a bunch of people from work. We went over there just to sit in the lounge and have drinks. I didn't order anything to drink because I knew I was driving later but of course I still got asked for ID. I was the only one too that got asked for ID because I am so much younger then eveyone else. hahahah It was pretty boring though, Chris and Mike didn't come because they are only 17 so I didn't really have anyone that I really wanted to talk to. But my dad and I didn't stay for long because I was going out with friends. So when I got home I left right away and went out for Vietnamese food with Amy and Jamie. Yummy. After that we went to the mall because I wanted to go shopping but it was a waste of time because we got there 15 minutes before it closed. Then Amy and Jamie wanted to just go back to Jamie's house and watch a movie but I didn't, so I left them and went and hung out with Nicole. I had soooo much fun hanging out with her. We went up to Joey Tomatoes and had drinks and Cheesecake. I am definately going to miss her when she moves next week.
Saturday I went shopping with Amy. Bought some new summer clothes. Then came and just sat at home. And then after dinner I went and hung out with Nicole. We went up to Walmart then picked my brother up from work, dropped him off at home, went to visit Amy at work, and then went and drove around Bowness Park. It was about 10:00 and we couldn't think of anything to do so Nicole called Curtis to see what he was doing. He was going to Cowboys with some of his friends. So Nicole and I went and met them there. It was soo much fun. I got drunk hahaha I had 4 coolers, and didn't spend anything. We just danced all night. We were line dancing, or at least I tried to line dance to one song. The rest of the line dancing songs I just sat and watched Curtis and Justin. Then we were dancing on the speakers. We left Cowboys at about 2 and decided to go back to Nicoles. Our plan was just to stay there for about half an hour. We ended up leaving Nicoles at 5am. It was already getting light out by the time we left. ahahahaha. It was fun though. Curtis and I just sat on the couch and basically tickled each other all night.
Then yesterday Curtis and I went to the zoo. It was super fun. We stood and watched the monkeys for a while. I LOVE monkeys. They are so cute. We also saw two animals going at it. Pretty funny site. There weren't very many baby animals though.
And today I just layed in bed for quite a while and watched Napoleon Dynamite, and then got ready and went looking at houses again with my parents and then went to Licks Ice Cream. It was good.

And that's about it.
I always manage to write a lot in my blogs. I guess I have a kinda busy life.


  • Animals having sex + Napolean Dynamite + ice cream = a wicked time

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 5:23 AM  

  • I ate ice cream at least once every day since friday! MMMMM MCKAYS!

    By Blogger JAME, at 9:27 AM  

  • P.S. I'm sorry bout what i said at the mall sweetie, i was just super surprised, i really didnt mean to say it! SORRY!!!!!!

    By Blogger JAME, at 9:28 AM  

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