Kim's Blog!

Monday, June 13, 2005

What an awesome night!

Well Thursday, my birthday, was a pretty good day. I had yummy cake and got my birthday presents.

Friday after work, some of the people from work took me out for drinks at Boston Pizza. It was soo much fun. At work I am basically the "baby" or "daughter". Everyone is quite a bit older then me. The women that I work with everyday call themselves my other mothers. So they got me a card and everyone at work signed it. (it was a card meant for a little kid)
On the front of the card it said:
Happy Birthday To a Special Daughter
On the inside of the card it said:
Birthdays are
always special days
for you, Sweetheart.
They are extra nice for us too....
Because you're out little girl
and you are dearly loved.
Happy Birthday
Hahahaa It was sooo cute. They all had some pretty funny things to write too.

So after Boston Pizza, I went home and got ready to go out for the night to celebrate my birthday. We went up to Schanks. It was such an awesome night. Saw a few people who I haven't seen for quite a while. I did quite a few shots of tequila with Amy. Yum. Hahaha Especially when you have a Clamato juice chaser. I was pretty drunk, but as far as I'm concerned it was a good drunk. Like I was super happy all night. At the end it was just Me, Dan, and Jeff M left. We stayed there till Schanks closed and then went over to Denny's. At about 3am my cell phone rings and it's my mom wondering where I am and if I am ok. (I was suppose to call her when I was ready to be picked up, which I figured would be around 2.) I told her that I was fine, and that I would walk home. She didn't want me walking home though until Jeff talked to her and told her that he would walk me home. So after we were done at Denny's, we started walking home. I got home around 4:40am. It was such a fun night!

Well that's about it.


  • Humm... I think there are some parts that you forgot to mention...

    JK your a good kid

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 2:57 AM  

  • I'm sorry I wasnt there Babe! We'll all go out sometime soon! man.. i'm such a bastard!

    By Blogger JAME, at 4:45 PM  

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