Kim's Blog!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Frog Blog

Well, I have been super sick this week with bronchitis. I finally did go to the clinic on Sunday night and after sitting there for 2 hours, I found out that I have bronchitis. So I have medicine now, and it's finally starting to work.
Monday morning I went to work for an hour and then my dad sent me home cuz I was just too sick to be at work. Then I just stayed home on Tuesday too cuz I was still too sick to work.
I went to work though yesterday and today and I made it through the day..barely, but I did make it. So that's pretty good I guess. I just caugh a lot at night still.
It definately sucks.

So the title of this blog has to do with a fake frog that I have sitting on my front step. I think it's ugly and that's why it is sitting on the front step, outside in the rain, instead of sitting inside the nice warm house. Other's though say it's not ugly. Hmmm..who is right? I think me. Actually the frog used to sit in my house, but then one day my mom decided it was time to be kept outside, where it belongs. Like come on we all know that frogs belong outside. have pet frogs which I did have when I was younger. My brothers would go and catch frogs, usually when we were in b.c. in the summer and then we had a little aquarium and we kept them as pets. It's a kinda weird pet in my opinion. Wild frogs. Hmmm. Not such a common pet. But so are lady bugs. Hahaha Except I suppose they are common pets for little kids, at least pets for a couple of days, before they decide to let them back outside where they belong. My brothers and I wanted a dog when we were younger and my dad wouldn't let us get one and so we caught lady bugs and kept them as pets and some how my dad finally decided to let us get a dog. The dog we got was Snowball.
That lovely little entry about frogs is for Jeff M. He was over tonight and decided that the frog outside is not ugly.

Other then that hmmmmm what else...oh Guys! The topic of guys.
So Curtis has been calling me a lot lately, and when I said a lot I mean like 5 times a day. He even calls my cell when he knows that I am at work. And at night if I don't answer my cell, he'll call my house right away. And guess what?! It's starting to annoy the hell outta me. I mean he's a nice guy and everything but calling me 5 times a day is a little much I think. Especially since we aren't even dating.
I don't think I even really like Curtis that much. Like ya he is an awesome guy, but I don't feel that certain "click." He is a super shy guy, and I am super shy and I think that's part of it. I tend to not go for the shy guys, it just doesn't really work when both of us are shy.
My parents met him on Saturday night when a few people came over to my house after we went out for dinner. From what my parents saw they really like him. And I've told my mom about him too.
When my mom and I were driving up to the clinic on Sunday she said to me " I think I know why you don't think there is anything between you and Curtis. It's because he is a good boy and you always go for the bad guys." Which is 100% true. So it got us talking and I explained to her that I don't know how I always find the bad guys but it's true. All of my ex-bfs have been "bad" to a certain point. And she told me that I just need to go for the good guys. But I said "bad boys are more fun" hahahaha
So I don't really know what to do. I think I am gonna kinda wait and see what happens. See if we can at least be friends..... But at this point I don't want to date him.

Thinking about all of this relationship crap, and talking to one of my friends about it all got me thinking. Well I guess more remembering that I do still miss Jeff sometimes. How fucking pathetic.

Well that's long enough. It's definately bedtime now. Good night.


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