Kim's Blog!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My Birthday is Soon!

So Thursday is my birthday. Pretty exciting I guess. I'm not going out though Thursday night because I have to work Friday morning. And I will also have family over for cake on Thursday. So instead I am gonna go out on Friday night. We are going to Schanks. Somewhere close to home and it always turns out to be a good time. I am super excited for Friday night because it is my first birthday that I am legal drinking age that I am actually going out for. I didn't do anything for my 18th. Except for a few months later when the guys from my class took me to the bar for the first time and got me completely hammered. But ya Friday night should be fun.

Hmmm nothing else really....except I told Curtis the other night that he isn't really my type of guy and he got all upset. And then I talked to Curtis's best friend, Justin, last night on the phone cuz Justin wanted to know what happened between Curtis and I and why I felt the way I did. Justin and I talked on the phone for 20 minutes. For about 5 minutes we were talking about Curtis and the rest we were just talking about other things. I NEVER once talked to Curtis on the phone for 20 minutes. Not even close to 20 minutes. It's weird.

Well I am off to bed pretty soon

Good night


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