Kim's Blog!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

I'm back!!!

A pic of the rainbows in BC. I took the picture from our balcony. Awww PRETTY!!!! hahaha


So I know it's been a bit since I last posted but I have an excuse....I was out of the city, out of the province and I didn't have internet.
I was pretty much in the middle of no where.
I went to beautiful shuswap lake in BC.
Hmmmmm so where to start.
Well Friday July 8th, at about 10:30pm I was in my room and just starting to pack when my friend who now lives in Grande Prairie left me a message on msn saying she was in Calgary for a couple of days. So I called her cell phone to see what was up. She demanded that I met her and a few people up at Schanks. I didn't know if I really should be going because I was not finished packing, but I decided that I better because I didn't know when the next time I was going to get to see Nicole. So I left my room in a disaster, told my parents I would be back in a bit, and went up to Schanks. I had planned on only being there for about an hour, but I didn't end up getting home until 1:00am. So when I finally did get home I finished packing by 2. Then I had to put my music on my new MP3 player which took about an hour cuz I had no idea what I was doing and so I finally got to bed about 3:00am.

So Saturday the 9th. When vacation really started. I got up about 8:30. Got ready, finished some last minute packing and then helped pack the van and the boat up. We (my Mom, my Dad, Brad (my brother), and I) finally got on the road about 10ish after stopping at Timmys for some timbits. The drive out there is about 6-7 hours depending on traffic. Usually closer to 7 hours since we are towing our boat. I slept for most of the drive out there since I didn't get much sleep the night before. We stopped in Salmon Arm quickly, (since we had the cat and dog in the van and it was pretty hot out we couldn't stop for long) to pick up a few groceries and then carried on for the last 45 minutes of our trip to the house that we rent which is located right on the Shuswap Lake. Didn't do much once we got there. Just unpacked, ate dinner, and watched tv and then went to bed.

Got up the next morning and went back in town (Salmon Arm) to get more groceries and to walk around the malls. Hahahaha yes they have 2 malls there. It's pretty pathetic though. I don't think I could ever live in a small town like that. I need big malls close by so that I can go shopping. But for the 2 weeks I am there I do survive without going shopping. After done in town we went back to the house and shortly after we arrived, my brother Nick and his girlfriend Jenny, and their two guinea pigs got there. Didn't do much for the rest of the day. Just say around.

Monday we spent the day down at the beach. Which is like a minute walk from the house that we were staying in. You just walk down the front yard, across a 2 lane road, and down a couple of stairs and then you are on the beach.

Tuesday was a pretty crappy day for weather so we went into Salmon Arm again and walked around, and then went go-karting. It was sooo much fun.

The rest of the week I don't really remember. I think we only went down to the beach a couple of days that week, the rest of the days it was pretty cloudy and raining.
My brothers friend, Kevin came out on Friday and stayed until Tuesday or Wednesday morning.

Pretty much the whole second week I just layed on the beach. It was super nice every day. The whole week was pretty much all a blur. My normal beach day consisted of waking up at about 9:30am, sat around and watched some tv, ate breakfast, got ready and went down to the beach around 11, went back up the house around 4 or 5, ate dinner, watched tv or played cards, then went to bed around 10:30.

The main events....
Wednesday (of the second week), Jenny and I went tubing, and then after Nick and Brad went tubing. After Nick and Brad were done tubing, went put one of the tubes in the boat and the other one of the top of the boat tarps. My mom and I were sitting in the front of the boat with our dog. My dad was driving and holding onto the tube on the top of the boat. Brad and Jenny were sitting in the back. And then Nick was sitting on a ledge in the back (not in a seat). We were going kind of fast and the tube that my dad was holding on to was starting to slip loose from my dad's hand, but he didn't want to just let go of the tube because he didn't want it to hit Nick and flip him off the boat. So instead he decided to quickly let go of the steering wheel, so that he could hit the throttle and slow down the boat. As soon as he let go of the steering wheel, the boat swung around, the tubes went flying out of the boat and so did Nick. We all started freaking out, worrying that Nick got hit by the motor and was hurt. But Nick yelled at us and told us that he was ok. After my dad and all of us calmed down we went and picked up Nick and the two tubes and went back to shore. When the boat spun my dad fell to the other side of the boat and ripped the tarp. So when we were back on shore my mom sat and stitched up the tarp the best she could. Everyone is ok, just my brother and dad have quite a few bruises.

One of my friends, Joelle, who I have known from Elementary was out in bc the last week that I was out there. Her grandparents live out there, and it's about a 20 minute drive to her grandparents house to the house I was staying at. So on Thursday Joelle and her boyfriend, Ryan, came over for the day. It was awesome. Joelle and I layed on the beach all day and sun tanned. We put baby oil on and tried to sun tan a lot. And we definately succeeded. I tanned quite a bit that day.

We packed up Friday. And left this (or I guess at this point yesterday) morning. It was a pretty good trip home. I had to watch the boat tarp to make sure that it didn't rip open and lose everything in the boat.

So yeah that's pretty much all of it.
I am super tanned!!!!! YAY!
Can't really think of anything else.

Bye bye


  • Pretty rainbows give me hope for tomorrow

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 4:16 AM  

  • you bastard girl being more tanned than me... you aren't my friend any more.... and.... i hope you come for paintball.... but, only so i can cover you in white paint.. ok.... i love you..

    NOT... just kidding.. NOT.. ok.. bye jk :)

    By Blogger JAME, at 3:32 PM  

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