Kim's Blog!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Back to School

Back to school!!! Today was the first day back. It wasn't too bad I guess. First thing at 8am I had BFIN 355- Money and Banking. My prof seems pretty cool. And then after that at 10am I had MGMT 360 - International Business. I think it'll be an alright class, as long as I can learn to understand my prof. He is from Russia and has a very strong accent. Tomorrow is my long day of classes. 8-12 and 1-3. But my break from 12-1 will be spent with my wicked friend Jeff. And maybe my other friend Mikey. Hahaha it'll be a fun break all semester.

Other shit that's happening...
Saturday night I had a party at my house. And it turned out to be a very interesting party. I had two people puke in my house..not too pleasent. And Amy ended up completely passing out and we ended up having to call her parents to come pick her up. Me, I was drunk but not tooooo drunk. I still knew what was going on most of the time. I thought my parents were gonna be sooo mad at me, but they actually aren't mad at all. Ab was there for most of the night. :) He came after he was done work which was about 10:30 and ended up staying till about 4:00am. He took came of me and all of my friends. He even cleaned up some of my friends puke which was all over my front door. Of course I did help him. My mom said he was the hero of the night.

Which leads me to my next topic. Ab. So pretty much we are unofficially dating. I do just consider him my boyfriend now. He's such an awesome guy. He make's me sooo happy whenever I see or talk to him. Like whenever he see's me he smiles soo much and just give's me a huge hug. It's awesome and so crazy how much we like each other. I'm glad that just by seeing him I can make him happy though, it makes me feel good. In case you have all forgotten (because I am pretty sure I told you about him in a previous post) he is 21 and he is one of Brad's friend from work. Which actually causes a lot of problems. Brad is being really protective of me. Which is fine, but he is just starting to be too protective. Saturday night after pretty much everyone left, Brad, Chris, Ab, and I were sitting downstairs. Ab was sitting on the couch, and I was laying on the couch with my head on his lap. Everytime Ab and I would kiss, Brad would hit Ab. Then instead of hitting Brad started throwing crumpled up paper at Ab and little plastic balls. This bothers me because I don't think Brad needs to be that protective of me, and if he wants to he needs to find another way to do it. He never hurts Ab but it still bothers me. So I tried talking to Brad about it last night and as soon as I brought up the subject he just said "oh fuck" and walked out of my bedroom. So I just left it and tried to not worry about it. I talked to Ab though about it today on msn while I was at school and he said that he tried talking to Brad about it last night too and Brad said he wasn't worried about what Ab would do to me, he was just worried about me. So I guess that means Brad is just being protective. But that can't be all of it..something else has to be bugging him. One thought is that he is worried that he is going to lose his friendship with Ab if Ab and I are together. Which I really don't think would happen. So Ab and I just talked about it today as to what we can do about it. One thing Ab said to me was "if only he knew how I felt about you, then he wouldn't be acting like this." Awww yeah that's sweet. But Brad does still feel this way and I dunno how to solve it. So Ab wants all 3 of us to sit down one night soon and talk about it. Which yeah I think it would be a good idea because I'm pretty sure it is the only way that Brad is going to talk to me about it. I tried talking to him about it again when I got home from school today and he said "look at this" and stood up and then started walking and said "this is me walking away." So yeah he really doesn't want to talk to me about it but he needs to. I need to know what's bugging him soo much about the situation so that I can try to fix it so that he isn't so upset/pissed off. I know he is really mad though because the last couple of nights Ab drive's Brad home from work and then Brad comes inside and gets me because Ab wants to see me. And like last night when Brad came inside, he just came up to my room and said "go see him." There was such a pissed off tone to his voice. So I try to forget about it all. But it's hard to. Brad and I were so close and now it seems like we are so far apart. He won't talk to me and doesn't want anything to do with me. I keep talking to Ab about it because I know he cares, and he doesn't want Brad to feel like this, and he doesn't want me to be upset either. He says he is gonna talk to Brad about it and then try to get all 3 of us to sit down after and talk about it. I really hope it works. I don't want to have to stop talking to Ab. That would really really suck.

Well that's pretty much all.

PS..I will try to stop saying the word "WERD" hahahaahaha Inside joke.


  • Your bro is a funny kid.

    Your party was fun... Well i know i had fun, i had fun laughing at Amy, i had fun jokin with that other kid. it was a good night.

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 8:57 PM  

  • it was a pretty good night. lol

    By Blogger Kim, at 10:02 PM  

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