Kim's Blog!

Friday, August 26, 2005

A quick update

I have decided to give you all a quick update on what's been happening since I haven't updated now for almost a couple of weeks.

So today was my last day of work and I was very very happy when I punched out around 4:15. Work hasn't been going so good this week. I got into an argument with my supervisor yesterday and then she wouldn't talk to me at all today. But oh well. I don't really care. I don't have to deal with her anymore. YAY! hahaha I will definately miss some of the people though, and a lot of them told me today that they are really gonna miss me and that I have to go back and visit sometimes. Which I know I will be back in there helping sometimes when they really need help.

Things with Ab are goin awesome. We hung out again last weekend and got our asses kicked again by Brad since he was being really protective of me again. But that's ok. He came over last night. Well he drove Brad home from work, and then Brad came in and got me cuz Ab wanted to see me. So I went outside and we all ended up standing out there for an hour just talking. And once again Brad lightly smacked Ab because of some of the things he said about me or did.

Tomorrow night I am having a party! YAY! I'm so excited. It's gonna be sooooo much fun.

School on Monday. Kinda worried but also really excited to go back.

Well that's it. It's bed time cuz I am really tired.

Good night.


  • thought-provoking, mootable pv. just my thoughts, well anyways gl & be chipper is what i say

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:06 PM  

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