Kim's Blog!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

So so tired!!!

School is actually going pretty good so far. Besides the point that we were told over and over again that we have a courses this semester that is one of the hardest courses that we will ever take, and you have to pass the final exam with a 60% but last year only 40% of the people actually passed it. So hmmm am I kinda worried??? Yeah just a little bit. But I keep getting told by my friends and my boyfriend that I am smart and I'll be fine. I hope they are right!! Last night when I was at home, I was on msn and using my laptop...I must have just touched it the wrong way because it decided that it should just turn off and not turn back on. So I finally got it to turn back on. Everything was cool. Except for when I got into class today and tried to turn on my laptop, it wouldn't turn on. So I took it to the help desk, spent half an hour there and ended up with a loaner laptop until they can try to fix mine. Hmm....oh well.

So it's 10am and I only have 1 hour of class left for the day. Pretty wicked..?? YEAH! It's a good thing though that I only have 3 hours of classes today because I am way too damn tired to be here. I didn't just sit at home and relax at all yesterday. Yesterday consisted of...Class from 8-12. Then I went out for lunch with Amy and got home around 3. Called the people that I babysit for and asked if they wanted me to babysit because the girls really miss me. So I go over and babysit till about 6 and had the 2 year old scream at me and kick me for about an hour and a half for no reason. When I got home my mom told me we were going out for dinner, and going to the mall. So we left the house right away and didn't get home until 8:30. When I did get home, I decided that I didn't actually wanna be there so I asked Casey if she wanted to go for coffee. Bad idea!!!! Got home at about 10:30 and I was really hyper. Uh oh. So I talk to Nicole on the phone for a bit, and then Ab comes on msn around 11. Talk to him and then he decided at 11:45 that he wanted to see me. So I tell him to come get me and we go for a drive. Well.....I didn't end up getting home until 2:30. SHIT! I gotta be up in 3 hours to go to school. So I go to bed and did not have a good sleep. I woke up at 3:30, 4:30, 5:00, and then 5:35 when my alarm went off. I definately did not feel like getting up. But I dragged my ass out of bed and now I am here in my 3rd and final hour of classes for the day and I am damn happy. Can you guess what I am doing when I get home?! Yeah that's right...goin to bed!!!!! And then when I wake up I may consider studying for a bit.

Maybe I should start paying attention in class. See ya!


  • Congrats on finishing our first week of school

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 12:39 AM  

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