Kim's Blog!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

True friends....

The people that I once thought were my good, true friends....are definately not anymore.
I have known this for quite some time now, but with the way people act, that thought is constantly getting reinforced into my head. I am not saying that about all my friends, only a select few...
Take Amy for example....she always cancels plans that she makes, and then when you call her on it, she tries to blame you for it. She asked me earlier in the week if I wanted to hang out tomorrow (Friday) night and I said ok, and pretty much left her up to invite people to go out drinking. When she asked me if I wanted to make plans I asked her "is there really any point, since you never keep your plans anyways?" She didn't have anything to say to this, just kinda ignored it and continued to make plans. I wasn't exactly expecting to see her tomorrow night, I figured she would cancel. So today she leaves me a message on msn saying that harry potter comes out tomorrow night and that she has tickets and she's going to that and that we will do something next week. So that pretty much just completely pissed me off. It's not like I was expecting her to keep the plans anyways, but it still pissed me off that she would cancel ONCE AGAIN! She is beginning to remind me of Krystal. She is pretty much acting the same way that Krystal acted....and that is definately not something to be proud of.

Nick (my brother) and Jenny (his girlfriend) do not belong in this house anymore. I am so tired of them both. Pretty much, I wish they would both just die. ...or at least just move the fuck out already.

well that's all.


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