Kim's Blog!

Monday, January 09, 2006

A Long Post


First of all, I will apologize for the long time without a post. I got pretty busy around Christmas time, and then I was in Mexico December 27 - January 6. And then I spent the weekend just relaxing and getting ready to go back to school which started today.

Hmmm I have a feeling this is going to be a long post....

Let's start off with Christmas. Overall it was a pretty wicked Christmas. We had my dad's side of the family over here Christmas Eve for our regular fondue and gift opening activities. Christmas day it was my mom's side of the family over here for dinner.
I got pretty spoiled for Christmas. From my parents and brothers and Jenny I got lots of clothes, seasons 7 and 10 of Friends, a very pretty braclet, and I dunno what else. Just some other small things.
A couple of weeks before Christmas Ab told me that he had no idea what to get me for Christmas and so he told me he was just gonna take me shopping and buy me a pair of Lululemon pants because I really wanted a pair. So a week before Christmas we went shopping and my pants ended up being $100. Then Christmas Day he comes over here so I can give him his gifts and he brings me something else. So I open it and it ends up being a Digital Camera. He told me that he bought it like 3 weeks earlier, so technically he just kinda lied to me about not knowing what to buy me. So pretty much, he spoiled me! hahaha

Mexico was pretty good. It was hot everyday so I have a wicked tan. Hahaha I pretty much just layed on the beach all day sun tanning with Casey. New years was a huge thing down there. The resort had a live band for the evening and at midnight all of the resorts down the beach set off fireworks. So we went and stood on the beach and watched tons of fireworks. We went into Puerto Vallarta one day and went shopping. The only thing I didn't really like about it was how dirty it was. Kinda gross. But where our resort was it was really nice.
The only kinda shitty thing was that I really really missed Ab. I was quite upset for the first few days just because I missed him sooo much. I really learnt how much I love him and how badly I want him to be in my life.
I was soooo excited when we were coming home. I couldn't sit still on the plane. Haha Ab and my parents and Brad were at the airport to pick me up.
I would definately go back to Mexico again with Ab or my family.
I have tons of pictures so if you wanna see any just ask me.
Here is one picture of me in Mexico at the resort on Friday just before we came home.

Well school started today. My 4th and final semester at SAIT. It's kinda scarey to think that I will be graduating at the end of April. My schedule this semester isn't the greatest.
It looks like this:
Monday: 8-10
Tuesday: 1-5
Wednesday: 12-4
Thursday: 11-5
Friay: 8-12
I would much rather just have all of my classes in the morning. But oh well. I guess it won't be too bad.

Hmmm I am not sure what else I should tell you. Not much is going on. I have a migraine right now which is pretty crappy. I didn't have any migraines or even really any headaches while I was in Mexico and now I have had a migraine since last night. And I will probably have it until Thursday night when I finally get to go to cranial.

Well I will probably post later this week when I maybe have some more to post about.
See ya!


  • Welcome back Kiddo. I'll be asking for some Pics.

    It's sad to think that i'm not gonna see you running around SAIT anymore. I will miss you.

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 7:42 PM  

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