Kim's Blog!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Exams Done/Sick/Mexico

So hmmm where to start....

Well I was done exams on Thursday. I haven't gotten very many of my marks back yet which kinda sucks. I was suppose to get my mark for my Candian Securities Course back by Thursday but I still don't have it back. That is the one really really important course. I am worried about one of the tests that I wrote on Thursday, Financial Management, I think I might have failed it. Which would also mean that I failed the course. Which pretty much sucks, and means that I have to take it next semester. But I am not the only one in my class that feels that way, so I guess that means I am not just stupid! It was a pretty brutal test.
I went out Thursday night and got drunk with my friends from school. It was a pretty good time. I was drunk by about 4:00 in the afternoon. I started to get a headache at about 9:00 and so I called my mom and she came and got me around 9:30. So it was kinda an early night, but it was still fun. I also wanted to be home by 10:30 so that I could see Ab when he dropped Brad off at home after work.

Starting Friday night I was feeling really sick. Like I was about to puke. So I just kinda hung out with Ab for a bit and layed in bed and relax. Yesterday morning I woke up to go shopping with my mom and I felt horrible. But I still wanted to go shopping because I haven't even started Christmas shopping or shopping for Mexico yet. So I went shopping with her and after a couple of hours and I was feeling really horrible and I could barely walk, so we just left the mall and came home. We got home about noon, and I layed down on the couch until about 8:30 when Ab wanted to come over for bit. Even when he was over here I was just laying on my bedroom floor curled up in a blanket in pain. All day, one minute I would be cold, and the next minute I would be super hot. It drove me nuts. And I didn't really eat anything all day either. This morning when I woke up I was feeling pretty good, but still not great. And now the longer I have been up for the worse I am feeling. Oh long as I am better for when I go to Mexico..

Which brings me to my next topic...... MEXICO! We leave in 8 days!! It's crazy. Its coming up sooo soon. And I am sooo not ready. But I am going shopping with my mom one day again this week. I am definately excited I can't wait to just go lay on the beach.

Anyways I gotta go do some stuff. Casey, Jeff and I are going for coffee today to talk about Mexico.

See ya
I promise I will post again before I leave.


  • Hey man,

    Have fun in mexico for me, i'm not going anymore. Merry Christmas!

    By Blogger JAME, at 11:26 AM  

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