Kim's Blog!

Thursday, December 08, 2005


So it's been a little while since I have updated but definately not as long as some other people.....*cough cough* Jeff. Haha just bugging you Jeff, it's good to have you back updating. I always liked reading your posts.

Mexico is in 18 days!!!!

Hmmm....Co-op christmas party was soooo much fun!! It's definately a good group of people to hang out with. I got a little bit drunk, and danced a bit, and just sat around hanging out talking to people. Met some more of Ab's friend's which was cool. They are all really nice. The night ended too soon though. They ended the thing at midnight. That was the only kinda crappy part.

Final exams start on Monday. I gotta admit, I am kinda worried. I have a lot of studying to do for all of them. And the worse part is there is so many of them in such a short time period. Oh well, as soon as I am done this post I will go back to studying for a bit.

I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet. Not so cool. And I also still have shopping to do for stuff for a bathing suit. So pretty much the week before Christmas I will be spending probably at least one day at the mall. But that's ok, Ab's gonna take me, then at least I will have some company. Hahaha

Anyways I suppose I should really get back to studying. I probably won't get a chance to update again now until after finals are done. So if you have finals next week also, I wish you luck!!

See ya


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