Kim's Blog!

Sunday, January 22, 2006


So I decided since I am not doing much right and I have a few minutes that I would update before someone get's upset that I haven't updated for while.

Hmm what to tell...
School is pretty much just same old school. This semester is gonna be a weird one for sure. Just because the majority of it is group work.
I have one teacher who I have decided that I absolutely hate. She is actually our academic coordinator for financial services (my major), but she also teaches Personal Financial Planning II. I think it could be a pretty good course.....pretty much you learn how to make financial plans. Something that is interesting to me. But my teacher is a complete idiot. Supposedly we are already on chapter 4 and yet we have learnt nothing. Wednesdays and Fridays we have a 2 hour class. So Wednesday, first of all she shows up 20 minutes late for class, and then we spend the rest of the time making collages of our goals on the inside of our portfolios. Definately something that is really professional to be carrying around...NOT! I'm pretty sure I haven't made a collage since about junior high. Then on Friday she shows up 10 minutes late for class, and then we spend almost an hour and a half playing with some stupid financial planning program on the internet that we are going to be using, and she doesn't even know what the hell she is doing with the program. Dammit! So after a while, my friend and I just walked out of class because we were sitting there doing absolutely nothing. I am pretty sure....I am gonna hate this class.

What else? Didn't do much for the rest of the week. Hung out with Ab lots. Got into some stupid disagreements. Thursday night I was up until 3:30am talking to him, and then I had to get up at 5:30am and go to school. Not so cool.
Friday night we just hung out here for a bit and then went up to the restaurant Broken Plate up in Crowfoot with a few of his friends for dinner. I just had a greek salad but it was really good.
Last night we just hung out here after he was done work, watched The Wedding Crashers. Pretty good movie.

Yesterday during the day I went shopping with my mom. I got 2 new pairs of jeans. Easiest jean shopping trip ever! And I also got 2 new bellybutton barbells. They are really pretty and cool.
And well today I worked for 9.5 hours. And that's where the title of this blog comes from. It's not ouch to the fact that I had to work. No, it's ouch because while I was at work I was grabbing a book off of a conveyor belt and my finger got caught in the conveyor belt. It didn't stop though, it just kept sucking in my finger and grinding the shit out of it until I was able to pull it out. That happened at about 8:30 this morning, and it is still quite swollen. Very bruised. And very sore. Oh well..

Anyways I really need to go do some studying since I haven't even looked at my books yet this weekend.

See ya


  • Get Better.

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 7:34 PM  

  • kim, do you think you would find a blog about PENNY STOCK INVESTMENT inquisitive????!??! ya RIGHT they read your blog! ASS HOLE

    By Blogger JAME, at 8:48 AM  

  • just never know. I might find it quite inquisitive. Ahahaha

    By Blogger Kim, at 9:42 AM  

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