Kim's Blog!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

First week almost done.

So the first week of this semester is almost over. yay!!!
It's actually been a pretty slack week I guess. Most of the 2 hour classes are shortened to 1 hour classes, just because the teacher's don't really feel like teaching yet. All of my classes seem like they are going to be ok.
So far I have spent $250 on textbooks and I still have a couple more to buy. I figure it will be about $350-400 spent on textbooks this semester. That's gay! lol

Today at school there was one class where I have to say it was quite an awkward situation. It turns out that my ex-bf, Jeff, is in one of my classes. Awkward??...ummm yup!!! And of course he had to choose to sit right behind me in class. I can't even really stand the sound of his voice anymore. And well for part of the class it's called "the game." Which it really is just a huge game all semester where your team is running a business and you are competing agaisnt the other teams in the class. So before we are really picking teams, I get a message on msn from Jeff asking if I would be in his group. Well my first reaction was to say "ummmmmm no!" but I was nicer than that and just told him that I had another group already. But honestly...why would I go in a group with my ex-bf and end up having to spend quite a bit of time with him this semester? I don't quite understand his thinking behind that. Considering that when we broke up, according to him I was just some huge bitch.

Hmmm tonight Ab drove Brad home from work and I went and sat outside with him in his car. I actually just came inside about 5 minutes ago. And well it didn't exactly end with a happy ending. He pretty much just annoyed the hell outta me, to the point where I just said good night and got out of his car. But oh well, I know nothing will come of it. Not a huge argument or anything. Which would be nice if we didn't argue.
As of tomorrow, we will have been dating for 5 months! :)

Well tomorrow is gonna kinda be a busy day. I have school from 8-12. Then I think I am just coming home for a couple of hours (I dunno for sure yet, Ab needs to make up his frickin mind as to what he is doing). Then at 3:10 Ab has a doctors appointment that I am going with him to, just so he doesn't have to sit in the waiting room by himself because he hates doing that. Lol. Well I can't blame him, I hate sitting and waiting by myself too. Then tomorrow night Brad, Ab and I are going to dinner and to see a movie. Then afterward we will drop Brad off at home, and then go to Tequilla for a bit. It's one of Ab's friends birthday's and he promised that we would go for a bit. I would rather just not go. I hate Tequilla, it's one of the shittiest clubs in my opinion. And well I don't even like going to clubs that much. But oh well, we will go for a bit, just to make his friend happy and cuz he promised we would go. I do like his friends though so I guess that makes it a little better. Haha

There isn't too much more to say. I have no idea yet what else is going on this weekend. I will probably try to study a bit because even though it is only the first week, there is already lots of stuff in the textbooks that I can be reading, and I really want to try and not fall too far behind this semester. It might help a little with the whole stress factor in my life if I don't fall too far behind in school.

Anyways I am going to bed. 8 am class in the morning.

Good night


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