Kim's Blog!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Exciting News.


I know I haven't posted for a while but it's been crazy busy lately. But I decided I would write a quick post before I go to bed.

School has been really busy. I am pretty much done classes though now. Only a few classes to go to for the next couple of weeks and then it's final exam time.
I'm definately gonna be happy when it's all over with.

So the exciting new is......*drum roll*......My parents bought a house! It's in Rocky Ridge, and it's super nice. My parents have been looking for quite a while now because we need a bungalow because my dads knees are really bad and has a hard time going up the stairs in our house now.
Soo our new house...he doesn't have to really go up any stairs.
It's all happened super fast though.
My parents saw the house on the internet Tuesday night and called our realator to talk to him about it. My dad, Jenny, and I went and saw it Wednesday morning at 11, and really liked it. My dad put in an offer on it Wednesday afternoon, and we all went back so the rest of the family could see it Wednesday night. By the time we left, it was Conditionally Sold to us. Saturday morning we got the inspection done on it and it all went good, and Saturday afternoon our house went on the market. So there is a nice For Sale sign on our front lawn.
My bedroom is on the main floor, but it's pretty much seperated from the rest of the main floor. It's in the front of the house, and the kitchen, family room, and my parents bedroom is at the back. I get my own bathroom, and I get the den pretty much which is also at the front of the house.
In the basement there are 2 bedrooms, another full kitchen, a bar, a huge rec room. AND...outside the doors there is a hottub. Yea that's right.
So we get the house on June 2. But if the people who buy our house want's it before then, we can move into our new house sooner. So it's all kinda up in the air right now.
It's definately exciting though.

Anyways I should get the bed. It's 3:18 and I gotta be up kinda early because we gotta be out of the house at 11:45 cuz someone is coming to look at the house.

See ya


  • Congrats

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 3:29 AM  

  • What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:50 AM  

  • Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:50 AM  

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