Kim's Blog!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

What a great night.

So things are getting better.

I have decided to take the job at First Calgary bank. So my first day is tomorow. I am definately a little nervous, but for the most part I am excited. I am finally starting my career. It's crazy!!!

So Friday was my last day at work (my dad's work). The people there are all sooo nice and I am definately going to miss them. They had a little party thing for me Friday afternoon. They bought a cake from costco that said "Good luck Kimberley" on it, and then they also bought me a really nice day planner and a card which they all signed. Then also one of the sales reps bought me perfume. She said she is gonna really miss me. Haha actually they all said they are really gonna miss me. I'll see them all on the 9th of September cuz they are having a summer bbq at our house. So that'll be cool.

Friday night me and a bunch of people went up to Schanks. In my opinion it was definately a good night. I was drunk. Which was awesome, cuz I hadn't been drunk since I was in Mexico. For the most part it was just people from high school, except Chris (my friend from my dad's work) came for a bit. It was a pretty interesting night. Definately tons of fun. There were quite a few interesting conversations that went on. Jeff you better be glad that I called you....since you forgot about it!!!!!!

Well other then that, not much has been happening. Just hanging out and having fun.
Today Jenny and I went shopping and I got some more clothes for my new job since I have to dress all professional now.

Anyways. Thats it.

See ya


  • I'm sorry... Maybe you can use your day-planer to organize my social life?

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 12:23 AM  

  • maybe I will Jeff!

    By Blogger Kim, at 6:22 PM  

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