Kim's Blog!

Monday, January 22, 2007

2.5 hours hooked up to an IV


So this past Friday night was an interesting night....
I started getting a migraine Friday afternoon while I was at work but it didn't turn into anything too horrible. When I got home though it started getting worse and worse so I skipped eating dinner, took some tylenol and fell asleep on the couch. 2 hours later at about 8:30 I woke up in even more pain then I was in when I fell asleep. I started crying, ran to the bathroom and threw up and then curled up in a ball on my bed and started shaking. My mom tried to calm me down but I couldn't stop shaking because of the amount of pain I was in so my mom called the clinic downtown on 8th and 8th and they said it wasn't too long of a wait. So my parents took me down there. We got down there at 9:30 and sat in the waiting room for 3 hours before I got called in. The doctor came in and checked me out and told me they were gonna give me a pill that is for migraines and should work right away and get rid of my migraine. So I took the pill and waited for 15 minutes and it wasn't doing anything. So they hooked me up to an IV. But they had a really hard time finding a vein, and when they finally did find one good enough it was really small so they had to use a small needle. So they put 2 small bags of medicine in me and 2 big bags of just fluid. So finally 2.5 hours later and being 3:30am I was allowed to go home.
It was a pretty shitty night.

On a happier note...I go to BC soon!!! 2 more days of work left this week!! YAY! I am super excited!

I am probably quiting the bank. I am thinking of going back to work for the company that my dad works for and be the receptionist/accountant. Which would be cool. I am just waiting for the guy who would be my boss to email me.

Well I suppose I am off too bed.
Work tomorrow!

Good night.


  • I'm sorry that sounds like a shitty night.

    Have lots of fun in BC, EVEN if you miss my awesome bday party.

    By Blogger Gumbi, at 12:53 AM  

  • Well written article.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:07 PM  

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