Kim's Blog!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

I hate my job.


Yea I hate my job right's horrible. I am tired of getting yelled at by customers for crap that I can't control. Whatever though....maybe I will go look for a job if it doesn't get better in a couple of months.

Evan and I broke up. Yea that didn't last very long. He broke up with me...and his excuse was pretty lame. Meh whatever....not really upset about it all....

I still have this desire to meet Ryan. He's the guy who lives up in Fort McMurray. I've been talking to him since like April. And yea I still really really want to meet him. I haven't talked to him very much lately though and so I sent him a message on myspace and he sent me one back saying that he is coming to Calgary soon. So that might be cool...

Jenny (my brothers gf) came back tonight from her vacation. She went on a cruise with the people that she works for. She had to work the whole time she was on the trip (taking care of the 2 year old twins) but still. She brought me back this wicked bellly button ring.

Putting up the Christmas decorations this week. Yea we still don't have the tree up...we kinda had to wait until Jenny came back.
Almost done my christmas shopping. Not tooo much more to go. Which is really cool. And well good considering it's almost Christmas.

Well that's about it. It's getting kinda late..I guess I should get to bed.

Good night.


  • Hey man, that sucks about E-man. What the eff did he say?

    ps, thats lame

    By Blogger JAME, at 9:41 AM  

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