Kim's Blog!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Snow = Crap!


I am really slacking on doing updates on here. Sorry!

Had a hot tub party kinda thing at my house a couple of weekends ago. It was a good time. Good group of people. I got rather drunk, but it was totally fun. We went in the hot tub and acted like idiots and jumped out and sat in the snow for a bit. Other then going in the hot tub we just hung out and watched tv. Good times. I miss hanging out with groups of friends.

Haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet. Actually that's a lie... I bought one thing for Brad today. Meh I'll start sometime this week.. Joelle and I are going to go shopping one day. And I am not expecting it to take me too long to get my shopping done.

I am so happy that Joelle is back in Calgary for a while. We have become super close friends lately. We hang out at least twice a week. And it's just tons of fun. We usually go to Starbucks at least once a week. Hahaha And get our usual.....Grande Non-Fat Light Whip Peppermint Mocha. HaHaHa YES!

Work is still going good. The week after conversion was stressful, and we are still dealing with a lot of people yelling at us because of the changes but you usually just have to laugh about it. I get to go back to Crowfoot branch in the beginning of December which is awesome. I am super excited. I haven't been back there since September when I was done my first month of training.

Things with the boy are going alright. We hang out lots. And I am usually happy.

Well that's it.
See ya

Monday, November 06, 2006

Lack of updates

Well then I guess it's been almost a month since my last update. That's pretty pathetic I suppose.

There isn't really much to update about though.

Work is work. It's still fun and I still enjoy it most days. Of course there is always the odd bad day. But no matter how much you love your job, I don't think you will ever not have a bad day. Especially when you are dealing with the public. We are going through this huge conversion this upcoming weekend. Our whole banking system is changing so we have been having to answer a lot of questions about that lately. And some people are really bitchy about it all. I am on training for 3 days this week for the new system. Next week will be interesting when we are all trying to use the new system while having customers standing in front of us. Whats even better is the fact that I am downtown all that week. And downtown is a pretty busy branch. So we will see how that goes.

I have definately decided that guys have worse mood issues then women do. I am not going to get into any detail. I am just going to leave it at that.

Went Saturday after work with a girl from work and got my nails done. They are pretty awesome. Hard to get use to though.

Nothing else is really happening. I hate living in my house. Tired of getting yelled at all the time. And well the last 2 days have just totally sucked....every minute of them.

Well that's it. Yes I know... what a wonderful update.

See ya