Kim's Blog!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006



I know I have been slacking off on the posts lately. I don't have much to post about though..its usually the same old stuff.

Hmm but lets see....

Well I had a CSC test last week Wednesday and I was hoping that I would do really well on it because that's the really important class and I am struggling in it..and well I got 74%. So I guess that's not too bad. It's actually really good compared to the marks I have been getting in that class.
Tomorrow I have a group presentation that we have to do in Personal Financial Planning. It's a half an hour long presenation on Investing. I think it's one of the stupidest things I have ever done. It is only worth 10% of our mark which is kinda stupid considering it's suppose to be half an hour long. 5% of that mark comes from the people in the class and you know we will just hand out 100% because no one wants to be doing it. The worst thing....everyone is doing the EXACT same topic. So it'll be like 4 hours of the exact same presentation over and over again. Retarded!!!
A lot of my classes are starting to finish for the semester. Within the next 2 weeks the majority of my classes will be done. Super happy about that. Then I can start spending my time preparing for finals.
My final exam schedule goes from the 24-27 of April and it looks like this:
Monday: CSC 8-10
Tuesday: Client Services 12-2
Wednesday: Taxation 12-3
Thursday: Personal Financial Planning II 12-3

Yeah 2, 3 hour long exams. That's gonna suck.

Graduation ceremonies are on May 26th. I don't really want to go, but I think my parents are going to kinda make me. Hmmm...

Anyways. I should go finish getting ready for school.
I think it's a day to wear flip-flop sandals. It feels like that kind of weather.

See ya!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Can't Wait to be Done!!!

I hate school sooo much. I am so tired of it this semester that I just can't wait to be done.
5 and a half more weeks of classes, and 1 week of exams and then I am done. DONE DONE DONE!!!! April 27th, and I will graduate.
As long as I don't fail any classes this semester... which I am kinda worried about.

I don't even have 5 full weeks of classes left because a lot of my classes don't go right to the end. But still.....5 weeks is a long time. Or is it really??

Well I wrote the midterm on Friday that I had missed on Wednesday and I got 86% on it.
I didn't do so good on my CSC test, which sucks.

And I had a taxation test yesterday that I totally screwed up on it. I am sooo mad about it. It was worth 20% of my mark too which totally sucks.

Anyways I just needed to bitch. I gotta go eat something and then go to school frm 12-4.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Migraines Suck

Alright so I know that I haven't posted for a long time now, but I have been busy.

This week, from Monday morning until Thursday morning, I had a horrible migraine. I struggled to even get out of bed. Which totally sucks. Because I missed school on Wednesday, I missed a mini-quiz in CSC, and I also missed a midterm in Personal Financial Planning (PFP). Which toally sucks.

I am back at school today (Thursday), and that is where I am writing this post from. Sitting in class, not really paying attention. I wrote my csc test this was pretty easy. And I have no idea when I am going to write my PFP test. My stupid teacher won't reply to my emails. Frick.

There's a lot of shit going on in school right now. It's brutal!!! Monday I have 2 assignments due, Tuesday I have a test in Taxation worth 20%. And then my midterm will fit somewhere in there too.


Anyways, everything else in life is pretty good.

I gotta go pay attention.

See ya