Kim's Blog!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Messed up...

Things right now are sooo messed up and I don't really know what to do about it all.....

Monday, May 15, 2006

And the wait begins....

So I went and wrote my CSC re-write exam tonight and I am really unsure about it. There are things that I knew this time, that I didn't know last time so I guess that's good. All I want to do is pass. I'm gonna totally freak out if I didn't pass again. :(
It can take up for 15 business days to get my mark. So I am gonna be freaking out about that until I get my mark.
I am just glad that I don't need to study anymore.

I finally started packing my bedroom. It's about half packed. I have a couple of more boxes to pack. So I'll do that pretty soon. Then I can help my mom pack the rest of the house. It's like 3 weeks and a couple of days until we move. It's coming really soon and I am definately excited. My parent's are buying me lots of fun stuff. haha.

Well Ab is coming over right now and we are gonna hang out for a bit.
I gotta work tomorrow. My dad really needs my help at work, and I haven't been working for the last couple of weeks. Waking up at 5:30 tomorrow is gonna totally suck!! Oh's money. haha

See ya

P.S. My birthday is in less than a month!!!!

Monday, May 01, 2006


Hey. So I finally got a chance to update this...

So I am done school...well kinda, almost.
I failed one of my exams. My really really important CSC one. Which totally sucks. I needed a 60% to pass and I got 56%. FUCK. But I am re-writing it on the 15th of may so hopefully I will pass this time. I am gonna study my ass off for the next 2 weeks.
The rest of my exams went pretty good I think. I don't really care about marks too much this semester. As long as I graduate that's all that matters.

Moving day is getting closer and closer and yet I still haven't even started packing yet. Which is frickin stupid of me. Lol. But I will start soon...I hope haha

Other then that not too much else is going on. I worked at my dad's work on Friday and I am working all day tomorrow too. It's not too bad I guess. Just kinda boring and crap. But oh well. It's money coming in until I find a job. Hahaha

I took back my laptop today. :( I'm gonna miss it. But I have my own computer still, because my younger brother just bought his own, so I am using the one that he used. Which is cool... For now it is in the basement. But my older brother told me he would move it up to my room. And in the new house it is going in the den which is pretty close to my room. So that's cool.

Well I really don't have anything to say. And I am gonna go to bed since I have to be up at 5:30 to go to work..

See ya!