Kim's Blog!

Friday, February 24, 2006


So things are going pretty good right now.
Everything is definately a lot better between Ab and I. Makes life a lot better! :)

School is well...just school. It sucks and there is nothing really good about it. Except I still don't have a lot of classes right now.
Yesterday I had to do a role play for client services. Definately a really scarey thing. There's just your group (7 people) who are in the room, so I guess that's better then not having to do it in front of the entire class. But you do get videotaped. I think I did alright. I know I went through it a little too fast, but our teacher told us that we had nothing to worry about.

I don't know yet what's happening this weekend. Right now I am waiting for Ab to come over and we are hanging out tonight.

Monday I am working at my dad's work all day. He is super busy, and I don't have school so I told him I would work. Meh it's money! haha

That's it.
See ya

Thursday, February 16, 2006


So hmm...this week has definately been a rough one. Pretty much it in a nut shell...
- Monday night, Ab came over about 9 and we broke up, but then we talked about it all until 3am, and decided to give it another try. It was definately a horrible night. I haven't cried that much for a long time.
- Tuesday Ab came over for a bit before I had to go to school, and we talked some more and cried some more and just worked on sorting things out some more. Then Tuesday night I went over to his house for a bit, mainly to study because I had a test on Wednesday, but we talked some more. I just wanted to be by him.

That's pretty much the main things that happened with that. I don't wanna get into too much detail. I really think though that we can work together and make it work. Because it's what we both really want. There are just some things that I need to change, and some things that he needs to change. I am really thankful that we are still together. He really does mean a lot to me, and I don't want to lose him any time soon for sure.

Well I didn't have school too much this week. Tuesday I just had to go to Taxation. I got my test back and got 83% on it. So I am pretty happy. Then yesterday (wednesday) I just had to go for a test in CSC. I am still waiting for my mark on it, even though he said he would have them posted by noon today. I hope I did well because the first little quiz we had I didn't do very well. This test was worth 20% though.

Today Ab just came over after he was done school, and we just hung out this afternoon. Everything was really good between us today.
I had a chance to talk to mom last night about it all. Which really helped me. And we have both just thought about it all the last couple of days and made sure we told each other how we were feeling.

Tomorrow we are going to his dad's Mac's store for the afternoon. His parents have some stuff they need to do, so we'll go take care of the store tomororw for a few hours.

And then I am not sure what else I am doing this weekend.

Well I am gonna go study for a while.
See ya

Monday, February 13, 2006

Nothing to post about.

So I haven't post lately but it's because I have had absolutely nothing to post about.
This last week has been nothing but an emotional rollercoster. The majority of the time I was upset or pissed off and then there was the odd time when I was actually happy. And this was all caused by my lovely uncaring boyfriend.

Anyways everything was better until about 5 minutes ago until he decided to get pissy towards me just because he hates work. He gets mad at me for absolutely no reason. If he's upset about work, that automatically means he has to be upset with me. Oh well. He left in a pissy mood because my brother called him from the bus stop saying he missed his bus and needed to be driven to work. So he just walked outta my house.
Today is our 6 months. And everything was cool. He bought me DKNY Be Delicious perfume for our 6 months/Valentine's Day.

Well nothing is really happening this week. I pretty much have no school. I need to go tomorrow from 3-4:30 for Taxation. And Wednesday from 2-3 for a test in CSC and then that's it. I didn't have any classes today so I just spent the majority of the day studying. And I'll probably do that for the rest of the days this week. I need to try and catch up on my readings and crap in some of my classes. Actually all of my classes.

That's all I have for this post. Sorry if you think it's a shitty post.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Pissed off!

Sick and tired of this bullshit day. My parents are gone this weekend. It's gonna be a pretty shitty weekend if it continues this way. Ab and I are arguing. And the only reason why is because of my stupid ass younger brother Bradley.
Fuck whatever.