Kim's Blog!

Sunday, July 30, 2006



So I guess I have a few things to update about this time.

Right now at work I am doing reception for 2 weeks. Our receptionist is on holidays so Thursday and Friday I was training. I am actually kinda excited to go to work tomorrow because I don't mind doing reception. Tomorrow will be the first day though that I am by myself so it'll be interesting. Hahaha I answer the phones, check the email for the company, send out quotes to the customers, send out proofs to the customers and mail invoices. It's all pretty easy though.

Last Friday I went for a second interview at First Calgary bank. And then Thursday they called me again for a third interview. So I went and talked with someone at the administration office. Then on Friday, she offered me the job. So I took it! YAY! I am really excited. So glad that I can finally get into a bank and start working towards my career. I am going to be an MSR: Member Service Representative (teller). But that's ok. I am actually going into their MSR Pool which is a 6 month contract. The first 2 months I am going to be in 2 banks, training. And then the following 4 months I am going to be mobile around Calgary. So I could potentionally be in a different branch every day. The 4 months is not guaranteed to be full time, but that's ok because I can always go and help out at my dad's work. After the 6 months, I can apply for any position in one of the branches. I am super excited. They are sending me an employee package this week, and I will read over all of that and make sure it all sounds good. I start on the 14th, and the first branch I am in is Crowfoot.

Hmm..I bought an ipod nano yesterday. My mp3 player was dying so I decide to buy a new one. I love it.

Everything else is going pretty good I guess. Nothing else really exciting. Just going to work everyday.

My mom and I went shopping today to buy me some new clothes for work. And I actually got a few things which is cool.

On the 14th Ab and I will have been dating for 1 year. It's kinda crazy to think about it.

Anyways I can't think of anything else to update on.

See ya

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Long time no post...again!

So yeah, I know I haven't updated for a long time..but I really have nothing to update about lately. Life is pretty boring.

Going to work everyday just depresses me. I do the same shit over and over again and I work by myself and talk to no one all day if Chris isn't there. It's pretty shitty. It's not even any exciting work that I do....I just stand at a book machine all day and put paper in it so it can make a book. Booring. So I should just quit and go find another job right? Yea that should be simple but it's not. My dad is gonna be pissed off if I leave because they so badly need me around there. So I gotta put up with another fight between me and my dad. Great. And well.. I gotta stick around there for another month because I promised the owner that I would take care of reception while our receptionist is on holidays. So pretty much after I am done that I should be able to go find some other job and just quit working at my dad's work. And that is exactly what I am going to do. In the middle of august when I am done doing reception I will go find another job. Any job...I really don't care what I do. I just don't want to work at that shit hole anymore. I can't seem to get a job at a bank right now. So I will go work somewhere else until I can get a job at a bank. I feel like my life is just....going no where right now. It sucks.

I never do anything exciting with Ab. So I can't really post about that. Yea we see each other every couple of days..but we never do anything. We never go out and do anything...cuz he never wants to do anything. He doesn't even want to go out for a walk at night. He just wants to lay around and watch tv. I know that it's because he isn't working right now so all he does it sit around all day. So that's all he ever wants to do. But I am getting kinda tired of doing nothing. But there is nothing I can really do about it. So I just go do things on my own.

I don't hang out with friends very often. That sucks too. I really miss Joelle and I really miss Nicole. Of course, they both don't live in Calgary, and it sucks. Cuz I never get to see them anymore. I barely ever talk to Nicole either. I want to do more things with friends. I miss all of those times. Gotta figure out some how to change things.

It's crazy how fast things seem to change in life. And how there are so many questions that we are unable to answer. Nothing seems to make sense in life anymore. Nothing seems to be going just right. It sucks...but I just don't really know what to do right now. It's hard to try to change things when you don't know how to, or know what you even really want. I want to feel for once that things are going good. That things are going to be good. And that I am doing something with my life....

Well...on a happier note I guess..

I got a new cell phone last weekend because mine broke. My new phone is pretty. It's black and silver. And it's a camera phone.

I have gone shopping the last 3 days and I have bought clothes every time. That makes me happy. I love getting new clothes. Hahaha

The new house is still awesome. I love being able to go sit in the hot tub whenever I want. It's so relaxing. And yea I pretty much like everything about the house. My dad bought a big screen tv for the basement. So now it's fun to watch movies down there. It's definately a total party basement. I just gotta have a party now...

Well I think that's about it for now.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Finally Settled


So today I finally unpacked the last of the boxes in my bedroom. It finally feels totally like home now. And the rest of the house is unpacked too. It's pretty awesome.

I have used the hot tub a bit in the last couple of weeks. Last week Friday I was in it for an hour and a half. Sooo relaxing.

Nothing has really been happening lately. I guess that's why I haven't updated much. And the fact that I am not really on the computer much lately.

I am working quite a bit, with my dad still. It sucks, kinda. I have had a few other interviews for jobs with a bank, but haven't heard much.

This past week...Wednesday night..I had such a horrible migraine. I wasn't able to even stand up because when I did I threw up. It wasn't fun. My mom wanted to take me to the hospital but I really didn't want to go. I woke up Thursday morning with it still really bad and not feeling great so I didn't go to work on Thursday. There was definately no way that I would be able to function properly. But by late Thursday afternoon and after a visit to the chiropractor it went away.

Ohhh....Monday night my parents bought a brand new, 2006 Saturn Vue SUV. And we picked it up Wednesday night. It's sooo nice. It's storm (dark) grey exterior with a light grey leather interior. It has a sunroof, and heated seats. It's pretty damn sweet..and I get to drive it. :) haha

Anyways, I think I am off to bed pretty soon. We are having a BBQ tomorrow to thank people for helping us move. And I gotta help my mom get stuff ready for it.

See ya