Kim's Blog!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

1 down, 3 to go....

So as the title says, 1 test down, 3 to go.
And my next test is in about an hour. I'm not tooo worried about it I guess. It's business law and pretty basic stuff so far.
My test yesterday went pretty well, I figured I got 70 something % on it. I will get it back I guess then I will get to see how I really did.

Nothing else has really been happening.
This weekend I went out Friday right after school and Friday night. Friday afternoon I hung out with Nicole. It was good to see her, but weird at the same time. Things just aren't the same since she lives away and we don't get to see each other very often. And then Friday night, Amy and I went for dinner, and then met up with Brad and Ab at the mall. It was a fun night. After the mall we just came back to my house and Jamie came over for a bit too.
The rest of the weekend I pretty much spent just sitting around and studying a lot.

Well I am in Statistics class.
I better go.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Too Busy with School!

So I haven't been updating much and I apologize. I have been extremely busy with school and haven't had much time to do anything else.
This past week I had two tests on Tuesday which I got 79% on one and 80% on the other. Pretty good. I stayed at school the night before until 7:30 just sitting in the study hall and studying.
Next week I have 4 tests....
Monday: money and banking
Tuesday: business law
Wednesday: international business
Thursday: Canadian Securties Course.
So I have a lot of studying to do this weekend.

Nicole is here this weekend though so I am spending tomorrow afternoon with her and her boyfriend. And then tomorrow night I am hanging out with Amy. I don't even remember when the last time was that I hung out with her.

Well this exciting (haha) textbook for money and banking is calling my name so I must return to it.

See ya

Friday, September 16, 2005

Nothing to say

I really don't have much to say.
Been really busy with school lately....just reading textbooks and trying to be smart! hahaha

What's up for this weekend.....reading more textbooks. Oh yeah it's gonna be exciting!!!! Tonight, tomorrow, and sunday I am going to lock myself in my room and read textbooks. I have my first test on Tuesday, and I wanna do well. Oh and well I just got the textbooks yesterday because the bastards at SAIT kept my textbooks in the mailroom for a week.
Saturday night I am going bowling I think with Ab, Brad, and a bunch of people from co-op. It should be fun.

Anyways I'm in class and I should be paying attention so I am gonna go.
See ya

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Second Week of School

Yeah that's right...we are already into the second week of school. Only.....14.5 weeks to go! haha Finally starting to learn some stuff. And I have actually started reading my textbooks which is a good start to the year.

Nothing else is really happening besides school.
Went shopping on the weekend with my mom and she bought me some new clothes! My mommy loves me! hahaha

Things with Ab are still goin good. I don't get to see him very much though so that kinda sucks. But he is coming over for a bit tonight cuz I told him last night that I was sad cuz I never get to see him. hahaa
Brad is still acting a little weird towards stuff. I don't actually talk to him much though. The only way I know what's going on with him is because Ab tells me. It's all good though..I'm not too worried about it.

Well there really isn't much to post. Today after class I am going to go sit on my butt and watch the movie Crash. I rented it last night. Even though I saw it in the theatres it is a wicked movie and I need to see it again.

Back to class.
See yeah

Thursday, September 01, 2005

So so tired!!!

School is actually going pretty good so far. Besides the point that we were told over and over again that we have a courses this semester that is one of the hardest courses that we will ever take, and you have to pass the final exam with a 60% but last year only 40% of the people actually passed it. So hmmm am I kinda worried??? Yeah just a little bit. But I keep getting told by my friends and my boyfriend that I am smart and I'll be fine. I hope they are right!! Last night when I was at home, I was on msn and using my laptop...I must have just touched it the wrong way because it decided that it should just turn off and not turn back on. So I finally got it to turn back on. Everything was cool. Except for when I got into class today and tried to turn on my laptop, it wouldn't turn on. So I took it to the help desk, spent half an hour there and ended up with a loaner laptop until they can try to fix mine. Hmm....oh well.

So it's 10am and I only have 1 hour of class left for the day. Pretty wicked..?? YEAH! It's a good thing though that I only have 3 hours of classes today because I am way too damn tired to be here. I didn't just sit at home and relax at all yesterday. Yesterday consisted of...Class from 8-12. Then I went out for lunch with Amy and got home around 3. Called the people that I babysit for and asked if they wanted me to babysit because the girls really miss me. So I go over and babysit till about 6 and had the 2 year old scream at me and kick me for about an hour and a half for no reason. When I got home my mom told me we were going out for dinner, and going to the mall. So we left the house right away and didn't get home until 8:30. When I did get home, I decided that I didn't actually wanna be there so I asked Casey if she wanted to go for coffee. Bad idea!!!! Got home at about 10:30 and I was really hyper. Uh oh. So I talk to Nicole on the phone for a bit, and then Ab comes on msn around 11. Talk to him and then he decided at 11:45 that he wanted to see me. So I tell him to come get me and we go for a drive. Well.....I didn't end up getting home until 2:30. SHIT! I gotta be up in 3 hours to go to school. So I go to bed and did not have a good sleep. I woke up at 3:30, 4:30, 5:00, and then 5:35 when my alarm went off. I definately did not feel like getting up. But I dragged my ass out of bed and now I am here in my 3rd and final hour of classes for the day and I am damn happy. Can you guess what I am doing when I get home?! Yeah that's right...goin to bed!!!!! And then when I wake up I may consider studying for a bit.

Maybe I should start paying attention in class. See ya!