Kim's Blog!

Sunday, January 29, 2006


I don't really have anything to update about. Nothing exciting has really happened. But I will give you a point form overview of what has happened in the past week...
- nothing exciting in school. Had a test on Friday. Didn't go so well, let's just say it resulted in an F.
- been getting lots of stupid migraines. Went to cranial on Thursday but it didn't really help. I go to a chiropractor on the 6th. Hopefully that'll help. If not it's off to the doctors to get some medication.
- Friday night I babysat. Friday @ 5pm till Saturday @ 2:30pm. It was alright. Ab was over there with me Friday night for a bit. I made $140. So I can't really complain considering all I really did was sit on the couch.
- Last night I just hung out at home. Ab came over around 10:30 after he was done work. I had a bad migraine so we just sat and watched Friends Season 10 on dvd. I ended up falling asleep cuz I was in so much pain.
- Today, went and looked at some houses with my parents. My parents want to move before my dad has to go in for knee surgery. Then had family over for dinner for my Opa's birthday.

Yeah that pretty much sums it all up.

Except there is something else that I need to express. Ab and I have been fighting a lot lately and its really bothering me. It got to the point that one night this past week when we were agruing that I was just ready to break up with him. It hurt so much to think that this had gotten to that point. I was pretty sure that I only felt that way because I was upset at that moment, and so I called a friend and bitched to him about it, and by the end of that I had calmed down quite a bit. But I was still pretty upset. Ab had turned off his phone so that I would have no way to contact him which just made everything worse when I had tried to call him to talk about it. Well finally we ended up starting by arguing over msn, and then I called him and we talked on the phone for a few hours. After all that I was still upset but claimed that I wouldn't just to make him happy. We ended up kinda arguing the next day too. But when we finally sat down and actually talked about it, we both realized that we are just being really stupid lately, and we both need to make a good effort to stop arguing so much and stop being so stupid about some things. I really hope that things get better between him and I because I do love him and I don't want him out of my life.

Well that's it. I need to go get ready for bed. 8am class tomorrow morning. Not cool.


P.S. Happy Birthday Jeff!!!! Damn you are getting old. Haha ( I know your birthday isn't today, but I figured an early Happy Birthday was better then none at all)

Sunday, January 22, 2006


So I decided since I am not doing much right and I have a few minutes that I would update before someone get's upset that I haven't updated for while.

Hmm what to tell...
School is pretty much just same old school. This semester is gonna be a weird one for sure. Just because the majority of it is group work.
I have one teacher who I have decided that I absolutely hate. She is actually our academic coordinator for financial services (my major), but she also teaches Personal Financial Planning II. I think it could be a pretty good course.....pretty much you learn how to make financial plans. Something that is interesting to me. But my teacher is a complete idiot. Supposedly we are already on chapter 4 and yet we have learnt nothing. Wednesdays and Fridays we have a 2 hour class. So Wednesday, first of all she shows up 20 minutes late for class, and then we spend the rest of the time making collages of our goals on the inside of our portfolios. Definately something that is really professional to be carrying around...NOT! I'm pretty sure I haven't made a collage since about junior high. Then on Friday she shows up 10 minutes late for class, and then we spend almost an hour and a half playing with some stupid financial planning program on the internet that we are going to be using, and she doesn't even know what the hell she is doing with the program. Dammit! So after a while, my friend and I just walked out of class because we were sitting there doing absolutely nothing. I am pretty sure....I am gonna hate this class.

What else? Didn't do much for the rest of the week. Hung out with Ab lots. Got into some stupid disagreements. Thursday night I was up until 3:30am talking to him, and then I had to get up at 5:30am and go to school. Not so cool.
Friday night we just hung out here for a bit and then went up to the restaurant Broken Plate up in Crowfoot with a few of his friends for dinner. I just had a greek salad but it was really good.
Last night we just hung out here after he was done work, watched The Wedding Crashers. Pretty good movie.

Yesterday during the day I went shopping with my mom. I got 2 new pairs of jeans. Easiest jean shopping trip ever! And I also got 2 new bellybutton barbells. They are really pretty and cool.
And well today I worked for 9.5 hours. And that's where the title of this blog comes from. It's not ouch to the fact that I had to work. No, it's ouch because while I was at work I was grabbing a book off of a conveyor belt and my finger got caught in the conveyor belt. It didn't stop though, it just kept sucking in my finger and grinding the shit out of it until I was able to pull it out. That happened at about 8:30 this morning, and it is still quite swollen. Very bruised. And very sore. Oh well..

Anyways I really need to go do some studying since I haven't even looked at my books yet this weekend.

See ya

Thursday, January 12, 2006

First week almost done.

So the first week of this semester is almost over. yay!!!
It's actually been a pretty slack week I guess. Most of the 2 hour classes are shortened to 1 hour classes, just because the teacher's don't really feel like teaching yet. All of my classes seem like they are going to be ok.
So far I have spent $250 on textbooks and I still have a couple more to buy. I figure it will be about $350-400 spent on textbooks this semester. That's gay! lol

Today at school there was one class where I have to say it was quite an awkward situation. It turns out that my ex-bf, Jeff, is in one of my classes. Awkward??...ummm yup!!! And of course he had to choose to sit right behind me in class. I can't even really stand the sound of his voice anymore. And well for part of the class it's called "the game." Which it really is just a huge game all semester where your team is running a business and you are competing agaisnt the other teams in the class. So before we are really picking teams, I get a message on msn from Jeff asking if I would be in his group. Well my first reaction was to say "ummmmmm no!" but I was nicer than that and just told him that I had another group already. But honestly...why would I go in a group with my ex-bf and end up having to spend quite a bit of time with him this semester? I don't quite understand his thinking behind that. Considering that when we broke up, according to him I was just some huge bitch.

Hmmm tonight Ab drove Brad home from work and I went and sat outside with him in his car. I actually just came inside about 5 minutes ago. And well it didn't exactly end with a happy ending. He pretty much just annoyed the hell outta me, to the point where I just said good night and got out of his car. But oh well, I know nothing will come of it. Not a huge argument or anything. Which would be nice if we didn't argue.
As of tomorrow, we will have been dating for 5 months! :)

Well tomorrow is gonna kinda be a busy day. I have school from 8-12. Then I think I am just coming home for a couple of hours (I dunno for sure yet, Ab needs to make up his frickin mind as to what he is doing). Then at 3:10 Ab has a doctors appointment that I am going with him to, just so he doesn't have to sit in the waiting room by himself because he hates doing that. Lol. Well I can't blame him, I hate sitting and waiting by myself too. Then tomorrow night Brad, Ab and I are going to dinner and to see a movie. Then afterward we will drop Brad off at home, and then go to Tequilla for a bit. It's one of Ab's friends birthday's and he promised that we would go for a bit. I would rather just not go. I hate Tequilla, it's one of the shittiest clubs in my opinion. And well I don't even like going to clubs that much. But oh well, we will go for a bit, just to make his friend happy and cuz he promised we would go. I do like his friends though so I guess that makes it a little better. Haha

There isn't too much more to say. I have no idea yet what else is going on this weekend. I will probably try to study a bit because even though it is only the first week, there is already lots of stuff in the textbooks that I can be reading, and I really want to try and not fall too far behind this semester. It might help a little with the whole stress factor in my life if I don't fall too far behind in school.

Anyways I am going to bed. 8 am class in the morning.

Good night

Monday, January 09, 2006

A Long Post


First of all, I will apologize for the long time without a post. I got pretty busy around Christmas time, and then I was in Mexico December 27 - January 6. And then I spent the weekend just relaxing and getting ready to go back to school which started today.

Hmmm I have a feeling this is going to be a long post....

Let's start off with Christmas. Overall it was a pretty wicked Christmas. We had my dad's side of the family over here Christmas Eve for our regular fondue and gift opening activities. Christmas day it was my mom's side of the family over here for dinner.
I got pretty spoiled for Christmas. From my parents and brothers and Jenny I got lots of clothes, seasons 7 and 10 of Friends, a very pretty braclet, and I dunno what else. Just some other small things.
A couple of weeks before Christmas Ab told me that he had no idea what to get me for Christmas and so he told me he was just gonna take me shopping and buy me a pair of Lululemon pants because I really wanted a pair. So a week before Christmas we went shopping and my pants ended up being $100. Then Christmas Day he comes over here so I can give him his gifts and he brings me something else. So I open it and it ends up being a Digital Camera. He told me that he bought it like 3 weeks earlier, so technically he just kinda lied to me about not knowing what to buy me. So pretty much, he spoiled me! hahaha

Mexico was pretty good. It was hot everyday so I have a wicked tan. Hahaha I pretty much just layed on the beach all day sun tanning with Casey. New years was a huge thing down there. The resort had a live band for the evening and at midnight all of the resorts down the beach set off fireworks. So we went and stood on the beach and watched tons of fireworks. We went into Puerto Vallarta one day and went shopping. The only thing I didn't really like about it was how dirty it was. Kinda gross. But where our resort was it was really nice.
The only kinda shitty thing was that I really really missed Ab. I was quite upset for the first few days just because I missed him sooo much. I really learnt how much I love him and how badly I want him to be in my life.
I was soooo excited when we were coming home. I couldn't sit still on the plane. Haha Ab and my parents and Brad were at the airport to pick me up.
I would definately go back to Mexico again with Ab or my family.
I have tons of pictures so if you wanna see any just ask me.
Here is one picture of me in Mexico at the resort on Friday just before we came home.

Well school started today. My 4th and final semester at SAIT. It's kinda scarey to think that I will be graduating at the end of April. My schedule this semester isn't the greatest.
It looks like this:
Monday: 8-10
Tuesday: 1-5
Wednesday: 12-4
Thursday: 11-5
Friay: 8-12
I would much rather just have all of my classes in the morning. But oh well. I guess it won't be too bad.

Hmmm I am not sure what else I should tell you. Not much is going on. I have a migraine right now which is pretty crappy. I didn't have any migraines or even really any headaches while I was in Mexico and now I have had a migraine since last night. And I will probably have it until Thursday night when I finally get to go to cranial.

Well I will probably post later this week when I maybe have some more to post about.
See ya!