Kim's Blog!

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Do you ever feel like you are always running in circles. That the time has to be coming where you can't go in circles anymore because you are too dizzy and that you will finally know where your life is going. That the break in the continuous circle will finally come.
One week you think you are finally out of the cycle of running in circles. That you are finally on the path of success and you somewhat know what your doing with your life. That you can see your future.. and it looks bright and sunny. Bright and sunny in your eyes at least... and in the end that's what really counts.
And then the next day... all of that is gone and your back to running in circles. You don't know if you are ever making the right decision. If you are with the person you are suppose to be with or if there is someone better out there. If your career is the career that you really want to have. If how you are living your life now is really how you are suppose to live things or if you are suppose to go out and have more fun and act young while you have the chance. If in 5 or 10 years you will be able to look at your life and be able to smile because you are happy with where you are and what you're doing.
You won't be able to answer all of these things though. Because no one knows just what they are really suppose to be doing now. And so you have to try to not think about it. Try to just live one day at a time and be as happy as you can be.
But what if you can't.... what if you don't want to go to bed because you know in a few hours you will be waking up and getting ready for another day of work. Another day of the same thing. And then you will get to come home and sit and do the same thing.... nothing. Nothing because your friends are busy with their lives, and your boyfriend is busy too. And so what if you really don't want to think about tomorrow. It makes it kind of hard to live your life one day at a time and to smile if you feel that there are not a lot of things to really smile about.

Running in circles can make you so tired.....but when there is no end to a circle how are you suppose to escape?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

New Job


So my new job is going pretty good. I guess today would have been my 7th day there and I do like it so far. I understand a lot of things by now and I think next week I will be helping members by myself. Which is cool. Everyone is super nice and very helpful. I have only made a couple of mistakes, but I also learnt that pretty much everything can be reversed. And the mistakes that I did make are pretty common mistakes. The hours are pretty nice too. The days seem to go by pretty fast. Expect on Thursday it seemed to go on forever but thats partly because we are open an extra hour.

Nothing else is really happening.

I finally started working on my Mexico scrapbook the other night so thats cool.

The night guy that work's at Ab's dads store pretty much quit so now Ab is having to work every night from 7:00pm till 7:00am ish. So that really sucks. I don't get to see him too much, or talk to him very much either. Hopefully it'll only be for a couple of weeks.

Well nothing else to really say...I'm super tired so I am gonna go lay on my bed and watch tv.

See ya

Sunday, August 13, 2006

What a great night.

So things are getting better.

I have decided to take the job at First Calgary bank. So my first day is tomorow. I am definately a little nervous, but for the most part I am excited. I am finally starting my career. It's crazy!!!

So Friday was my last day at work (my dad's work). The people there are all sooo nice and I am definately going to miss them. They had a little party thing for me Friday afternoon. They bought a cake from costco that said "Good luck Kimberley" on it, and then they also bought me a really nice day planner and a card which they all signed. Then also one of the sales reps bought me perfume. She said she is gonna really miss me. Haha actually they all said they are really gonna miss me. I'll see them all on the 9th of September cuz they are having a summer bbq at our house. So that'll be cool.

Friday night me and a bunch of people went up to Schanks. In my opinion it was definately a good night. I was drunk. Which was awesome, cuz I hadn't been drunk since I was in Mexico. For the most part it was just people from high school, except Chris (my friend from my dad's work) came for a bit. It was a pretty interesting night. Definately tons of fun. There were quite a few interesting conversations that went on. Jeff you better be glad that I called you....since you forgot about it!!!!!!

Well other then that, not much has been happening. Just hanging out and having fun.
Today Jenny and I went shopping and I got some more clothes for my new job since I have to dress all professional now.

Anyways. Thats it.

See ya

Sunday, August 06, 2006


So the thought of moving up to Fort McMurray has been going through my mind a lot lately. And everytime it does, it seems like a better and better idea. There's nothing really here in Calgary that I should be staying for.

The reason that Fort McMurray would be the choice is that my cousin lives up there. He is 30 years old, so a few years older then me but we get along super well. He is pretty much a big brother to me. He protects me like I am his little sister. So yea he lives up there and wants some family to live up there with him. He's is taking over the shop that he works for right now and could give me a job. So that would be no problem. And he said he would find a 2 bedroom apartment before I moved up there. So pretty much I could have everything set out for me. And it would just be a wicked experience. I could finally get away from Calgary, and just live my life.

I don't want to be in Calgary any more.

That job that I was offered at First Calgary...well yea I don't think I am going to be taking it cuz they lied to me during my interviews and just forgot to mention a very important part to it all. The part that I am on call for 4 months and I don't know each day until 10:00am if I am going to have to work that day. They told me during the interview that I would know my schedule a week in advance which would be fine. But I just don't know if I could do that, not knowing if I work each day. I need some kind of schedule to my life. And that just seems bullshit...I would have to wake up every morning at 7:00 and get ready just to maybe not have to work. GAY!

Everything else....I'm just not really happy about.

So what should I do....move up to Fort McMurray or just stay in Calgary and attempt to do something with my life? Cuz right now I definately feel like my life isn't going anywhere .....