Kim's Blog!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Not much


So there really isn't too much to update on.

I am enjoying being single. And I really don't miss Ab at all.
I really have this desire now to meet Ryan though. And I dunno when that is going to happen. I was going to go up to Fort McMurray (where Ryan lives) next weekend for the long weekend. But I haven't talked to my cousin or Ryan lately so I dunno what's happening.

Work lately has been going alright. I actually don't mind going to the different branches. The first day being at the branch usually sucks just cuz I don't know anyone but after that it's not too bad.

I have been super sick this week. I started getting sick on Friday. And Sunday I was super sick and didn't leave my bed. Monday I went to work even though I probably shouldn't have because I felt so crappy. So then Monday I went to the clinic and the doctor said I have bronchitis. So I am on medication and an inhaler. Tuesday I didn't go to work because I didn't sleep at all that night and I had a migraine. I am definately feeling better today though. The medication is definately helping.

Well that's it.
I'm gonna go find something to do.
See ya.

Sunday, September 17, 2006



I haven't updated for a while so I figured it was time to. And well I do have stuff to update about.

Work is going pretty good. Finished my first week of being mobile. I am getting my schedules though, and I am working like every Saturday. It totally sucks. I hate it! But whatever. Tomorrow I am gonna write an email to the lady that is in charge of my scheduling and ask if she can not schedule me for every Saturday. With working Saturday's I can't really do much Friday night cuz I have to be up so early on Saturday and then by the time I get home from work I don't really feel like doing much Saturday night. So that sucks.

The party that we had last weekend for my dad's company was awesome. It was so fun to see everyone who I hadn't seen for a month. And it was fun hanging out with Chris. We went in the hot tub and just hung out and got drunk. Chris ended up just staying the night here because his parent's were leaving at 10 and I told his dad that he couldn't take Chris from me that early. So Chris and I ended up hanging out downstairs watching tv and doing other stuff.... until 4 am. Haha it was a good time.

And well I guess that biggest news....Ab and I broke up on Monday. Yup. It finally happened. He had been acting like an ass for a few days and not really speaking to me so finally when I talked to him Monday night I asked him what his problem was and he said he didn't love me anymore and didn't care about me either. So yea that was the end of it. I have to say though that I wasn't feeling all that in love with him either towards the end. He was pretty much just acting like an ass and I was getting tired of him not talking to me. And well with stuff happening Saturday night that just really told myself that I didn't care too much about Ab anymore anyways.
I am not too upset about it all though. Yea I cried Monday night when I talked to my mom about it. But I really know that it just needed to happen and he wasn't the guy that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Tuesday I felt so free and just happy. I wasn't worrying about why he was mad at me or anything. So I guess it's all good. And definately for the best. And now I am just gonna go and have fun being single.
And hopefully I can meet Ryan now...cuz I still really want to meet him. I just either have to get up to Fort McMurray, or he needs to come down here. Hmmm...

Tuesday night I went out with Evan and went for a ride on his motorbike. It was pretty awesome. First time I had been on a motorbike. And had tons of fun.

Well there's not too much else to say. It's back to work tomorrow. Boooooo. My day off this week is Friday. That seems like a long time away.

See ya.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Mid-week update


I am gonna give a quick update while I am thinking about it.

So starting Monday I become mobile at work. I guess it's gonna be ok.... or at least I hope so. This was the part of the job that I was unsure about. But I talked to the lady who is incharge of the MSR pool yesterday and she said that she has heard really good things about me and that I have caught on to things really quickly. So I guess thats a compliment to me.
Monday - Wednesday I am at T.D. Square Branch.
Thursday I have off
Friday I am at Taradale Branch.
Saturday I am at Macleod Branch.
So pretty much all over the city. Hmm.... we'll just wait and see how it goes.

Saturday we are having a dinner thing at our house for everyone who works at my dad's work. There's gonna be about 50 people here. We are getting it catered though....steak and lobster and lots of other good stuff. It should be a good time. I am excited about it. I will get to see everyone who I haven't seen now for a month. And well it's an excuse to get drunk. Haha And Chris will be here so that'll be fun.
But I gotta do a bunch of cleaning tomorrow night and help my mom get some stuff ready since I have to work Saturday. That sucks.
I work from 9 - 3:15 and everyone is coming at 4:30. So I will have about an hour by the time I get home before everyone comes.

Anyways I am off to bed.
Good night.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Long weekend!


Yes it's a long weekend. It's actually a four day long weekend for me cuz I get Tuesday off of work too! But then I have to work next Saturday, so I guess it kinda evens out. But Saturday's are 2 hours shorter cuz we are only opened until 3:00.

Work is going good. Next Saturday, the 9th is my last day at the Crowfoot branch. Which sucks cuz I really like all the people who are there. I am suppose to be going to another branch for another month of training, but my manager told me on Friday that the person who is in charge of my scheduling wants me to become mobile right away. I dunno what's going to happen though. I would like to be in just 1 branch for another month because I don't quite know everything yet.

I went and got my hair done today. I got blonde highlites in it again. I am so happy. I love it. It's been quite a while since I had highlites done.

Other then that nothing else is really going on. I don't think I am up to too much this weekend.
In a few minutes I am going to go to Ab's dad's store for a couple of hours since Ab is still working nights there.

See ya!!