Kim's Blog!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Back to School

Back to school!!! Today was the first day back. It wasn't too bad I guess. First thing at 8am I had BFIN 355- Money and Banking. My prof seems pretty cool. And then after that at 10am I had MGMT 360 - International Business. I think it'll be an alright class, as long as I can learn to understand my prof. He is from Russia and has a very strong accent. Tomorrow is my long day of classes. 8-12 and 1-3. But my break from 12-1 will be spent with my wicked friend Jeff. And maybe my other friend Mikey. Hahaha it'll be a fun break all semester.

Other shit that's happening...
Saturday night I had a party at my house. And it turned out to be a very interesting party. I had two people puke in my house..not too pleasent. And Amy ended up completely passing out and we ended up having to call her parents to come pick her up. Me, I was drunk but not tooooo drunk. I still knew what was going on most of the time. I thought my parents were gonna be sooo mad at me, but they actually aren't mad at all. Ab was there for most of the night. :) He came after he was done work which was about 10:30 and ended up staying till about 4:00am. He took came of me and all of my friends. He even cleaned up some of my friends puke which was all over my front door. Of course I did help him. My mom said he was the hero of the night.

Which leads me to my next topic. Ab. So pretty much we are unofficially dating. I do just consider him my boyfriend now. He's such an awesome guy. He make's me sooo happy whenever I see or talk to him. Like whenever he see's me he smiles soo much and just give's me a huge hug. It's awesome and so crazy how much we like each other. I'm glad that just by seeing him I can make him happy though, it makes me feel good. In case you have all forgotten (because I am pretty sure I told you about him in a previous post) he is 21 and he is one of Brad's friend from work. Which actually causes a lot of problems. Brad is being really protective of me. Which is fine, but he is just starting to be too protective. Saturday night after pretty much everyone left, Brad, Chris, Ab, and I were sitting downstairs. Ab was sitting on the couch, and I was laying on the couch with my head on his lap. Everytime Ab and I would kiss, Brad would hit Ab. Then instead of hitting Brad started throwing crumpled up paper at Ab and little plastic balls. This bothers me because I don't think Brad needs to be that protective of me, and if he wants to he needs to find another way to do it. He never hurts Ab but it still bothers me. So I tried talking to Brad about it last night and as soon as I brought up the subject he just said "oh fuck" and walked out of my bedroom. So I just left it and tried to not worry about it. I talked to Ab though about it today on msn while I was at school and he said that he tried talking to Brad about it last night too and Brad said he wasn't worried about what Ab would do to me, he was just worried about me. So I guess that means Brad is just being protective. But that can't be all of it..something else has to be bugging him. One thought is that he is worried that he is going to lose his friendship with Ab if Ab and I are together. Which I really don't think would happen. So Ab and I just talked about it today as to what we can do about it. One thing Ab said to me was "if only he knew how I felt about you, then he wouldn't be acting like this." Awww yeah that's sweet. But Brad does still feel this way and I dunno how to solve it. So Ab wants all 3 of us to sit down one night soon and talk about it. Which yeah I think it would be a good idea because I'm pretty sure it is the only way that Brad is going to talk to me about it. I tried talking to him about it again when I got home from school today and he said "look at this" and stood up and then started walking and said "this is me walking away." So yeah he really doesn't want to talk to me about it but he needs to. I need to know what's bugging him soo much about the situation so that I can try to fix it so that he isn't so upset/pissed off. I know he is really mad though because the last couple of nights Ab drive's Brad home from work and then Brad comes inside and gets me because Ab wants to see me. And like last night when Brad came inside, he just came up to my room and said "go see him." There was such a pissed off tone to his voice. So I try to forget about it all. But it's hard to. Brad and I were so close and now it seems like we are so far apart. He won't talk to me and doesn't want anything to do with me. I keep talking to Ab about it because I know he cares, and he doesn't want Brad to feel like this, and he doesn't want me to be upset either. He says he is gonna talk to Brad about it and then try to get all 3 of us to sit down after and talk about it. I really hope it works. I don't want to have to stop talking to Ab. That would really really suck.

Well that's pretty much all.

PS..I will try to stop saying the word "WERD" hahahaahaha Inside joke.

Friday, August 26, 2005

A quick update

I have decided to give you all a quick update on what's been happening since I haven't updated now for almost a couple of weeks.

So today was my last day of work and I was very very happy when I punched out around 4:15. Work hasn't been going so good this week. I got into an argument with my supervisor yesterday and then she wouldn't talk to me at all today. But oh well. I don't really care. I don't have to deal with her anymore. YAY! hahaha I will definately miss some of the people though, and a lot of them told me today that they are really gonna miss me and that I have to go back and visit sometimes. Which I know I will be back in there helping sometimes when they really need help.

Things with Ab are goin awesome. We hung out again last weekend and got our asses kicked again by Brad since he was being really protective of me again. But that's ok. He came over last night. Well he drove Brad home from work, and then Brad came in and got me cuz Ab wanted to see me. So I went outside and we all ended up standing out there for an hour just talking. And once again Brad lightly smacked Ab because of some of the things he said about me or did.

Tomorrow night I am having a party! YAY! I'm so excited. It's gonna be sooooo much fun.

School on Monday. Kinda worried but also really excited to go back.

Well that's it. It's bed time cuz I am really tired.

Good night.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Fun fun!

So this weekend turned out to be pretty good.

Friday night I worked late, well till about 7, but that's ok. I ended up being the last one there besides my dad, so I just hung out in the back by myself and did some work that needed to get done.

Saturday morning I went to cranial. Definately needed to go. After that I came home for a bit and then went and got my hair done. I got it cut. Nothing too different just added some more layers in. Got a couple of inches cut off in some spots. And then I got the under half of my hair died dark brownish red, and then got my blonde highlights touched up. It looks sooo awesome. I love it. So I came home after that and straightened my hair, and then didn't really expect to do anything the rest of the night.

After dinner Brad (my younger brother) told me that I was going to play basketball with him and Ab at the scenic acres basketball courts at 8:10. So I said ok sure. So we went down there and there was another guy who Brad and Ab work with, Shane. We just hung out, shooting hoops. I couldn't manage to get any in, and then finally I found my sweet spot!! Oh yeah! So I little side tracked story for a moment, I need to explain something...Ab really likes me. He thinks I'm really pretty and cool and I guess always talks to my brother and other guys about me at work. Which is fine. He is a really cool guy. So back to the story. I kept getting shot in after shot. I got like 3 in in a row and so Ab runs up to me and picks me up and gives me a huge hug. But then Brad gets all defensive and tells Ab to back away from me. After a while Ab, Shane, and I start doing shots of Smirnoff Twisted Citrus. It was pretty good at first, and then after a while it got kinda nasty. But I ended up getting a pretty good buzz off of it, and Ab was pretty buzzed too. So we played some more basketball while being buzzed, layed on the ground and looked at the stars. Just hung out. Then at 11:30 Brad told me we were going home because he wanted to go to bed because he had to work this morning. But I didn't wanna leave. So I told Ab and Shane just to come to my house and we would hang outside for a while longer. So we get home and I got Ab's number from Brad and called him to see if he was coming. He wasn't going to but I told him that he had to. So him and Shane came over, and I went and sat outside with them for a while. We just layed on the grass and talked. It was sooo frickin cold. Ab and I were cuddling and shivering. Around 1 Ab and Shane left. I got a good night hug and a kiss on the cheek from Ab. Then I came inside and went to bed an hour later.
Pretty was one of the best nights I have had in a long time. I think I really like Ab. He is such an awesome guy and just sooo nice. It's crazy though how defensive Brad is. He wants to protect me too much. It's funny but kinda sucks all at the same time.

Well that's all.
2 more weeks till school.
And 10 more days left of my job!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A bunch of random thoughts

So pretty much right now I have just a bunch of random thoughts and I feel like writing them down. If you feel like reading it...go for it!!
Before I get to them though, I would like to refer to one of the comments on my last blog. Pretty much all I would like to say to it is, if you don't like how I chose to express how I am feeling, don't read my blogs. No one is making you, so just don't bother reading them if you don't like it. K Thanks.

So thought number one:
Back to school soon. YAY. I actually wanna go back to school which seems weird because we all know that in a few months, I will not really want to be in school. But that's a normal reaction. A four month summer break is nice, but to some point too long. Especially when it just isn't a very good summer. When you don't have any fun during the summer, it makes it seem really long. Although I have to say, there were some parts of the last 4 months that were awesome. For example my birthday. Hahahaha I had soooo much fun that night and so many awesome things happened. Thing that I thought would never happen. Ever! Haha Jeff you know exacty what "things" I am talking about. And you gotta admit you had fun that night too. Walking me home at 4:40 and making sure that I would actually get home safe while you, me, and dan were all still a little buzzed. Hmm another fun time would be going to b.c.. Getting away from the city and everything related to the city. Work, friends, all got left behind when I went to bc. And I couldn't have been happier those 2 weeks that I was there. So anyways back to the school subject, I am excited to go back because I wanna see my friends. My friends that I made while going to SAIT last year. We had soo many fun times together. Like going to the bar, and skipping a couple of classes just to go hang out and have fun. There should be some fun times again this year.

Random thought number two:
There is an easy way to tell if I have been upset, something has been bugging me, or I'm just not myself. This would be to just look at my fingers. It's a horrible habbit that I have, but it's something that is soo hard to break. This habbit is to chew on the skin around my nails. After I have chewed on that skin for a bit, and ripped off big chunks of skin, I am left with not so nice looking cuts, and they definately are not so nice feeling either. I am not exactly sure when this habit started but it's been going on for quite some time. Jeff (my ex) was the only person that could get me to stop.I miss him for that. I mis him for caring about me that much that he didn't wanted to see me hurt myself. Even though it would kinda piss me off or annoy me at the time, he still got me to stop and I knew that he was only bugging me about it because he cared. At the beginning of our relationship he actually threatened me when he saw me chewing my fingers. Not threaten me in a way that he would hurt me. The threat was actually that he would not kiss me or hug me if he saw any cuts on my fingers. And this no hugging/kissing thing would last for as long as he wanted it to depending on how bad my fingers were. I think it only happened once or twice and it would only last for a couple of days. But he still got me to stop chewing on my fingers. I wish I could break that habit again...

Random thought number three:
Why do people who are 18 or 19 still act so childish. I have noticed it for quite some time now. People tend to act so childish for no reason. It is as if they still think they are in high school, and can be playing stupid "games." And really, it happens too often. I'm not saying that at all time's you need to be mature and never have fun. There are always those times for fun, but I think some people think it's ok to act immature at all time. I think going to college/university really makes people matture. It's really weird how much you grow-up in your first year of college. You can't act like you are in high school anymore. You have to act like you are an adult. You have to actually act your age. I don't think that everyone who hasn't yet experienced college/university is immature because there are people out there that are matture. But there are also a lot of people who aren't matture, in any kind of way, and really need to just grow up. Stop acting like a child all the time.

Thought number four:
I have been kinda "lonely" lately. Wanted someone to care about me and just like me for me. So in other words, I want a boyfriend. I have had fun being single all summer but I think I am ready again for a boyfriend. I am not gonna go on some super crazy hunt though for a boyfriend because I can survive in life without one, but it would be nice if I had a boyfriend again. Someone who cared about me, and just wanted to spend time with me. But not someone who treated me like how Jeff treated me near the end of our relationship.
Actually my ex-ex bf wants to hang out again. I have been talking to him a bit on the phone lately, which I have mentioned before in my previous posts. He really wants to hang out again, but for some reason I just can't. I can't go see him. I just don't really want to. It's really weird. It's been just over a year since the last time that I saw him. I think it's because I can't forgive him for all of the shit he put me through. He definately put me through more shit then Jeff did. It's crazy. I think I just need to either tell him that I can't see him or just stop talking to him. If I tell him though, I don't really know how to explain it to him without sounding like a complete pyscho or a bitch.
There is this guy though right now that I do kinda like. He seems really cool, and super nice. And I know he thinks I am super hot. Hahah Whenever I see him he gives me a huge smile. I dunno if anything will happen from it, or if it's just one of those fun crushes. I don't really care too much though. Like I said I am not on some hunt to find a boyfriend.

Almost done, thought number five:
Casey come's back soon. She has been in bc pretty much all summer and she comes back in about a week. I am definately excited. Finally another friend to hang out with. Some one who is matture and does agree with my random thought number three. We had the discussion a few days ago and she totally agrees with me. It'll be good when she comes back. It'll make me a happier person. She is someone that I never argue with and we can not hang out for a few weeks or months and then hang out one night and it's like nothing has changed and we haven't miss anything. I can always count on her being there. And I have definately had some fun times with her just hanging out and at the bars too. Hahaha

Final thought of the night, number six:
I get my hair died on Saturday. Yay. I am getting my highlights touched up. They have faded quite a bit, or the rest of my hair has just become a lot lighter which could be true from being out in bc in the sun all the time for 2 weeks, and also the roots are just showing a lot. And I might get something else done too but I'm not quite sure yet. I gotta talk to my hair dresser when I go in on Satuday. I am super excited. I love getting my hair done.

Well that's long enough. I got out all my thoughts.
It's bedtime now. Gotta go to work in the morning.
Good night.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Fuck U!

So I'm in a fucking pissed off mood right now. Well better then I was about an hour and a half ago. I went by myself for a drive tonight, went and bought some new make-up, and saw my buddy Ab at co-op. Hahaha that's a whole other story about him.
I'm sick and tired of all this fucking bullshit. I'm not fucking dealing with it anymore. Fuck it.

So hmm what else.
Today I got 2 new jackets. They are soo pretty!
Tomorrow I am hanging out with one of my real friends, Amy, to go shopping. It's gonna be awesome.
Saturday I am workin all day probably because we are moving the department that I work in to the new bays that we took over. It's not gonna be fun but there is no way that I can get out of having to do it. So whatever.

Well that's it. I just needed to get out some of my anger.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Holy crap it's hot outside. I was just outside playing basketball with my younger brother and I almost died from the heat.

This past week was pretty boring. Only worked 2 and a half days because there wasn't anything for me to do at work.
Monday afternoon though I went shopping at chinook at bought some new belly button barbells. And then yesterday afternoon when my cousin was over here she changed it for me cuz I was too scared to do it myself. So now I have a silver ball on the top, and 2 silver dolphins and a blue stone on the bottom.

Tuesday afternoon and Thursday night I babysat the girls that used to live across the street from me that now live a couple of blocks away. They have such a nice house. We went in the hot tub tuesday afternoon. Haha. Thursday night though the youngest one who is almost 2 was being such a brat. Everytime I would pick her up she would kick me and scream at me. When we went outside she ran onto the road and then she kept running up and down the street. And then by the end of the night whenever I walked in to the room she would scream at me. How lovely.

So only 4 more weeks till I go back to school. It seems crazy that it's been 3 months since school ended. But I am actually excited to go back.

I NEED to find a new job. I can't work where I am working anymore. As soon as I go back to school that's it, I am not working there anymore. I'll go in some afternoons if they need help but I am not workin everyday after school again. I've applied at a couple of places and I am just gonna find a bunch of other places to apply at.

Well that's pretty much it I guess.