Kim's Blog!

Sunday, May 29, 2005


So I know I haven't posted now for almost a week but that's because I was working too much this week to even worry about updating. Tuesday I worked about 9 hours. Wednesday I worked 12.5 hours. Thursday I worked 11 hours and Friday I worked 10.5 hours. It's gonna be an awesome pay cheque.

Other then work I have just been super sick this week and I keep getting worse. My mom is making me go to the clinic at some point today because I keep caughing. It's not very good. I think I might have bronchitis again or just some kinda of lung infection.

Friday night after I got home from work I went and picked up Nicole and we went to the mall and then went for a walk around Bowness Park.
Last night I went out for dinner with Nicole, Curtis, and Justin. Then we all came back to my house and Amy came over after a while and we all just hung out being weird and having fun. Then around 9 we left my house. Curtis and Justin left and went to Cowboys. And Nicole, Amy and I went and picked up Casey and then we went to Kilkenny's. I was the DD so I didn't drink at all. But I was fine with that because being so sick I didn't really want to drink anyways. Then around 11 I went and picked up Jeff M after he was done work and brought him to hang out with us. Amy's boyfriend was also there. Then there were also a bunch of other people from Bowness that just happened to be there. It was a fun night.

Nicole leaves tomorrow morning to move to Grande Prairie. I'm soooo sad. I'm gonna miss her like crazy.

Today I have just slept, and sat outside and sun tanned.

Well that's all there is to update. Tomorrow it is back to work for another fun week of work. Hahaha

See ya

Monday, May 23, 2005

A Fun Weekend

So this weekend was pretty fun. Definately nice being a long weekend and having that extra day off of work.
Friday afternoon of course I sat there and laughed most of the time at Chris and Mike. They were having fun taking pictures with my phone. Some of them are pretty weird pics. So after work I went over to Boston Pizza with my dad and a bunch of people from work. We went over there just to sit in the lounge and have drinks. I didn't order anything to drink because I knew I was driving later but of course I still got asked for ID. I was the only one too that got asked for ID because I am so much younger then eveyone else. hahahah It was pretty boring though, Chris and Mike didn't come because they are only 17 so I didn't really have anyone that I really wanted to talk to. But my dad and I didn't stay for long because I was going out with friends. So when I got home I left right away and went out for Vietnamese food with Amy and Jamie. Yummy. After that we went to the mall because I wanted to go shopping but it was a waste of time because we got there 15 minutes before it closed. Then Amy and Jamie wanted to just go back to Jamie's house and watch a movie but I didn't, so I left them and went and hung out with Nicole. I had soooo much fun hanging out with her. We went up to Joey Tomatoes and had drinks and Cheesecake. I am definately going to miss her when she moves next week.
Saturday I went shopping with Amy. Bought some new summer clothes. Then came and just sat at home. And then after dinner I went and hung out with Nicole. We went up to Walmart then picked my brother up from work, dropped him off at home, went to visit Amy at work, and then went and drove around Bowness Park. It was about 10:00 and we couldn't think of anything to do so Nicole called Curtis to see what he was doing. He was going to Cowboys with some of his friends. So Nicole and I went and met them there. It was soo much fun. I got drunk hahaha I had 4 coolers, and didn't spend anything. We just danced all night. We were line dancing, or at least I tried to line dance to one song. The rest of the line dancing songs I just sat and watched Curtis and Justin. Then we were dancing on the speakers. We left Cowboys at about 2 and decided to go back to Nicoles. Our plan was just to stay there for about half an hour. We ended up leaving Nicoles at 5am. It was already getting light out by the time we left. ahahahaha. It was fun though. Curtis and I just sat on the couch and basically tickled each other all night.
Then yesterday Curtis and I went to the zoo. It was super fun. We stood and watched the monkeys for a while. I LOVE monkeys. They are so cute. We also saw two animals going at it. Pretty funny site. There weren't very many baby animals though.
And today I just layed in bed for quite a while and watched Napoleon Dynamite, and then got ready and went looking at houses again with my parents and then went to Licks Ice Cream. It was good.

And that's about it.
I always manage to write a lot in my blogs. I guess I have a kinda busy life.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Since you've been gone

I couldn't think of a title for this entry so I just titled it the name of the song that I am listening to right now.

So the last couple of days have just been full of work. It's been super busy especially today. There were just a bunch of rush jobs today and everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong.

Hmmm what else can I tell you..? Events coming up......ummm...
- Hopefully gonna go to the bar on the 27th and 28th. Or at least one of the days. Gotta go party before Casey leaves for the summer.
- Nicole moves on the 30th. A very sad time. I haven't even hung out with her very much lately either which makes it even crappier.
- My birthday is on the 9th of June!!
- Leave for B.C. July 9 for 2 weeks. I know it is still a few weeks away but I can't wait till I go.

Boy situation:
-Haven't talked to the ex, Jeff, very much lately. A little on msn.
-Talked to Terry, the ex-ex, last night on the phone for a while. It's soooo weird that we can talk and it's like everything is back to the way it was before we dated, which is cool.
-I talked to Curtis the other night because a couple of weeks ago he had asked me out on a date and I told him that I just didn't want a boyfriend right away because I needed some freedom before I get into a relationship again. When I told him that I didn't want a boyfriend I thought he was really pissed off because he didn't talk to me for a few weeks. So when he came on msn this week I made sure to tell him that it was nothing against him and he just said that he completely understands and he has just been super busy lately. So that's cool. I really wanna stay friends with him and maybe something can happen between him and I at a later date.

Well that's all I really have to say right now.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Long time..

So I know it has been a long time since I have posted. Oops.

So to update on the major events that have happened since I last posted.....
I worked a lot. We were super busy at work all week. It was pretty crazy. And things did get better between my dad and I. We aren't fighting anymore which makes it better but I still wanna get a different job. The only thing that is kinda stopping me from getting a new job is that I want two weeks off in July so I can go to B.C. with my family and I dunno if I am gonna get those two weeks if I get a new job. Hmmm...

Thursday night I went to the Whiskey. It was soo much fun. Casey, Amy, and Jamie came with me. The limo ride was wicked. There was male entertainment which was fun, and then we danced for a few hours. Definately a fun night. The only thing that kinda screwed up my night was that Jeff was there too. He went with some people from work and so I was kinda pissed that he was there just because I wanted to have a night out without thinking about him. And of course since he was there I was constantly looking for him and watching for him. Which sucked. But whatever. I talked to him on the phone for like 2 hours after I got home. It was weird. Almost everytime we talk more and more shit comes out about our relationship and what happened. It's good though because we are able to talk about it all and not get mad at each other. So because I was talking to Jeff on the phone till 4am and had to get up early to go to work I only got an hour and a half of sleep.

So Friday I was super tired. And I have been really sick all week which didn't really help. I didn't want to be at work but we were so busy that I knew I needed to. But Friday afternoons the owners son, Chris and his friend, Mike come in and work after they are done school. They are both 17 but are pretty cool guys. We get along really well. So they invited me over to Chris's house Friday night because they were having a party. So I told them maybe and got Chris's number and said I'd call him later.
After I got home from work I had an hour nap because I was so damn tired and then I called Jamie because we were suppose to do something. We ended up going shopping for a while and of course I spent money. lol I bought a new pair of jeans and a new groggy jacket. Only spent $150. hahaha. So after shopping we went and got some food and then came back to my house. I called Chris like I said I would and we ended up going over to his house. The only shitty thing was that he lives on the complete opposite side of the city from me so it took like 35-45 minutes to get there. Oh well. We hung out there for a while with Chris and Mike and their friends and they were all completely hammered. Although I was trying to get Chris and Mike to drink more but they were being wimps.

Saturday I worked for most of the day. And then had a nap, then went for a walk with my mom.

Today I went out with my parents to look at houses. And now I am sitting here updating this lovely blog of mine. I think in a bit I am going for another walk with my mom.

Anyways, tomorrow is another long day of work.

I think this post is long enough. See ya

Monday, May 09, 2005


So today hmmm...where to even begin.

Well I went to work and hoped that I would have a good day. But I'm not quite sure that is possible.
I discovered that I hate shipping/recieving and that I don't want to be doing it all summer. It's sooo boring and I am basically by myself for most of the day and I hate that. Let's just leave it at..I hate it!!! So I told my dad (because he is incharge of hiring a new shipper/reciever) this afternoon that I don't want to do it anymore, and he yelled at me. He got mad because I didn't want to. So we stood at work yelling at each other, I started crying, and he stomped away. But one of the lady's that I work with came and took me outside and talked to me and told me not to worry about it. So right now I am waiting for my dad to get home so that I can sit and listen to him yell at me more.

What else has happened tonight? hmm well I supposidly pissed off Jeff. Not quite sure how but whatever. He is still talking to me but he said I also pissed him off earlier. Whatever, doesn't really matter though. I talked to Kris and he pissed me off so I ended up just hanging up on him. And then I was talking to Terry, who is my ex-ex boyfriend, and we were just "play" aruging. It's like its the night to argue with me and try to piss me off. Oh well.

So a couple of weeks ago I won a lady's night limo package for The Whiskey from Vibe 98.5. Well this Thursday is the night that I am using it. It's gonna be soooo wicked. With the package I also got a $50 bar tab so that'll buy us a few drinks. It'll be fun, except most of us have to work Friday morning so we are gonna be sooo tired. Oh well I think being tired is definately worth the night out.

Well I think I am gonna go to bed even though its only 9.

Good night.

Friday, May 06, 2005



So I worked Monday, Thursday, and Friday this week. The other two days I didn't work because there was nothing for me to do. Yesterday our Shipper/Reciever at work got fired, and I am now the new Shipper/Reciever. It's crazy. I was pretty busy this afternoon and just stressed. It's not too bad I guess. Just a lot of stuff to remember about everything that gets shipped. Ahh.

Tonight I am in a shitty mood. I think for the most part of it, I'm in a shitty mood just because I am tired and because of work. But I'm also just sick and tired of my friends again. Go figure though. What else is new. Are they even really my friends anymore? I'm beginning to think not really. But whatever.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Dropped my cell in a toilet! haha

On Friday night I did exactly what I had planned to do. I got really drunk. Some might say that I was too drunk, and I would actually almost agree. But I needed a chance to celebrate being done first year of college, and have fun. It was also the first time that I had been to the bar, when I was single (except for the very first time but that's the night I really met Jeff and was basically attached to him all night). So we ended up going to Coyotes. It was sooo much fun. I remember most of the night. Jeff was there the whole night and I ended up hanging out with him for part of the night and having a long chat with him. I remember saying to him "It's all YOUR fault that I am this drunk." He kinda freak out to that because he didn't understand why I would be saying it. He was very drunk though too.
So Friday night I had 3 coolers, 3 shots, and then drank a beer pretty quickly. I ended up puking while at Coyotes. I'm pretty sure that it was the beer that I had that made me so drunk and made me puke.
My friends then decided that it was time for me to go, but I didn't want to go home. So I struggled with them and tried to not let them get my coat check ticket out of my pocket. They finally did and once they brought my jacket to me I told them that I did not want to go home. Casey then told me that we weren't going home, she was just helping me put on my jacket because I was cold. After they got my jacket on......they picked me up and carried me out of coyotes. Ya that's right....they CARRIED me out of coyotes.
So we went back to Casey's house, and as soon as we got there I went up to the washroom and didn't leave the toilets side for quite some time. I wasn't puking the whole time but wasn't in any shape to leave the bathroom. Before I had puked, I called Jeff because I wanted to talk to him, and when I was trying to shut my phone I dropped it in the toilet!!!!!!!!! I wanted to cry. But I got it out, and Casey took it and blow dryed it and 2 days later after letting it just dry out it is perfectly fine. Very happy about that. Saves me from having to spend $400 to buy a new phone.
So that basically sums up Friday night. It was pretty crazy. But definitely a fun night. It was awesome to just be free. I went and danced with a few guys. After Friday night I really realized what it's like to be single and realized I don't think I really want a boyfriend right now. It's not like I want to go out and be a skank/whore cuz I'm just not that kind of girl, I just like having a little freedom.
It was weird hanging out with Jeff though. And actually being able to sit and talk to him and not fight with him. I know some of it was because we were both soooooo drunk. But he bought me a rose. And was like taking care of me. Making me drink water and telling me that I needed to go home. From what I remember of our conversations, for the most part we talked about was how much of an asshole he was, how he treated me, and how I loved him and he loved me. It was crazy. I am and will be really glad if we can be friends.

So hmmmm other news......
Business Mathematics Final Exam: 86% Finished the course with an A-
I was pretty happy about that.

I am now working full time. 8.5 -9 hour days. Not tooo bad I guess. It does get kinda boring. I'm gonna go apply at a couple of banks though.

Belly button piercing....think it might be getting a little infected. It's kinda red around the top silver ball. But I'm not really surprised...soo many people touched it Friday night and my friends kept grabbing me around the stomach and smacking me in the stomach as a joke because they knew it was still sensitive. But it still looks pretty and I still definitely love it.

Well I am off! Not working tomorrow, not sure what I am gonna do though. Probably sleep in, and maybe go down to good old Bowness High and visit Mr. Condon.