Kim's Blog!

Friday, April 29, 2005

1st year of college DONE!

Yuppers, its officially over! I'm sooo damn happy. Free for 4 months. Well except for working full time. But oh well, at least I will be making money.

So tonight I am going out to coyotes to celebreate. It's gonna be sooooo awesome. There should be tons of people there that I know. Some of my friends, and then some friends from last semester too. Gonna get really drunk. Yippee.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I got it pierced!!!

I finally got my belly button pierced. I have been wanting to get it pierced for quite a while now and I finally went and did it on Monday night. I'm not going to lie to did hurt. But not tooo bad. It's soooo pretty. It definately makes me happy.

So an update on the whole ex-bf situation. Tuesday I had a long talk with him on msn and he just sat there and apologized to me about all the shit that he did to me. When we broke up, he said the reason we were breaking up was because I was talking to too many guys. So basically he was worried that I was or was going to cheat on him. And so Tuesday when we talked, he told me that it wasn't really the reason that we broke up. And the real reason was...he knew that he was treating me like shit and that he knew I wasn't happy and that he wasn't happy either and it would only get worse. So whatever I was and am still pissed off at him for the fact that he sat there calling me a whore and had to tell all of his friends that he was doing it so that they could call me a whore too. But I saw him yesterday and I just kinda ignored him at first, but then he put his hand in front of my face and waved at me, and so I tured to him and said "hey hows it goin" and he said alright. But that was it. And then he was talking to me on msn today. It's all good I guess that we can be decent towards each other especially cuz I know I am going to see him at the bar tomorrow night. But what I don't understand is why he wants back in my life.

Hmmm well tests are ALMOST over. I have my last one tomorrow afternoon from 12-2. And then I am done! YAY!!!!!!!!!! I really need to study tonight. I was going to study all afternoon but my friend Nicole came over and is a bad influence and so I didn't study at all. She is moving to Grande Prairie in a couple of weeks. It makes me sad. I'm gonna miss her.

Well I gotta go study like crazy.

See ya

Oh P.S. I got 62% on my accounting test. Not great but not horrible. That left me with a 71% as a final mark in the class.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Study, study, study.


Well I had one of my final exams this morning at 8am. When I went to go write it I didn't feel very preapred. I didn't get much of a chance to study. Although I studied all afternoon yesterday. And then a little last night after I got home from going to my grandma's house for dinner. I still felt that I wasnt able to study enough. My studying last night was rudely interrupted by my ex-bf. He's so fucking immature and can not get over me. He still wants to be in my life. But in a bad way. Yesterday he was going on his friends msn and calling me a slut and a whore. I know that I'm not. So that didn't bother me too much. But it was some other harsh things that he said towards me that really upset me. He is trying very hard to ruin my life. But whatever, Nicole came over and we went for a walk and talked about it all and I felt way better after she left.
I'm pretty sure though that I did pretty good on my exam. Let's cross our fingers and hope that I did well enough to keep my average for the class between a 75 and an 80 ( I went in with an 80).

All I am doing this afternoon is studying. I have an exam Wednesday morning. So I am spending this afternoon and tomorrow all day studying for it.

Other then the shit that happened last night I had a pretty good weekend. Went out, went shopping. Had lots of fun. I bought a shirt to wear to the bar on friday, a new zip up sweater/jacket, and a new purse.

Well I better get back to studying.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

"Fricken update your gosh darn blog"

"Fricken update your gosh darn blog" That's a awesome quote from my cool friend Jeff. After he said that I realized that I hadn't updated my blog for a while. I kinda just forgot about it all week. Oops. I've been waaaaay to busy with other shit this week.

Soo hmmm... since the last time I update......
Sunday....I did a bunch of homework, then went out for a bit.
Monday....Went to school, went to work, then went back to school, then went out for a bit.
Tuesday..Went to school, went to work for 7 hours. We had an open house so I kinda had to stick around and pretend to be cool and act like I cared and that I didn't need to go home and study for an accounting test that I had the next day. Got home and attempted to study while being buzzed because I had a drink while I was at work and stupidly got buzzed off of it.
Wednesday..Went to school, went to work, did homework, went out.
Today....Went to school even though I didn't have any classes. But I needed to go to work on school work because I knew I would get something done if I sat at school and not at home. Then came home because I didn't need to work. They didn't need me today so I happily offered to just not go. But when I got home I did some homework and as soon as I am done writing this blog I gotta do some more homework.
Tomorrow.....I only have 1 class and it's my last class of the year!! YAY!! I have a presentation in it though and I hate presenting. Oh well, it'll all be ok. Going out for dinner and to watch movies tomorrow night.

School wise....hmmm...well as I told you above I only have 1 more class for the year. And then I have 3 final exams next week.
Monday 8-10: Business Mathematics
Wednesday 8-11: Accounting
Friday 12-2: Micro-economics

For Busines Math I have about an 80% going into the final exam. Accounting I had a 77% going into the final exam (despite the fact that I got 58% on the test that I had on Wednesday). I dunno about economics, but I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in the high 70's or low 80's. So I am really not too worried about the exams.

This week I have gone over to my friends house a lot. Francis and John. I hate John but I like hanging out with Francis so whatever. John and I just seem to get into a lot of fights lately about me and Francis because John figures I'm in love with Francis because I hug him. But that's a whole other story and I don't have time for it right now.

Well I gotta go, I'm sure I have missed a couple of things but I think this blog is long enough.

See ya.

And a special see ya to.......JEFF!!!! SEE YA!!!!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2005


So far this weekend has been awesome!!! Except for a couple of parts, but whatever those don't really matter. I mean the other person doesn't care, so why should I!?

Last night I hung out with Casey. It was soo much fun. We went to the mall, then went out for dinner. After dinner we went for a drive up to patterson hill and looked at all the nice expensive houses. It was fun, we had nothing else to do. lol. Then we went over to our friends house for a bit, but didn't wanna be there because there were a bunch of girls that are in grade 12. So we left and went to see a couple of my guy friends who I hadn't seen for a couple of years. It was awesome. Sooo much fun.
Then tonight I went out with some other friends. We were suppose to go to the Japanese Village for dinner, but it was full. And so we drove around trying to find somewhere else to eat. We ended up at Chili's. It was good. It was Nicole, Curtis, Justin and I. While at dinner Curtis and Justin went to the washroom so Nicole and I thought it would be funny to drink their pop. So she drank Justin's and I drank Curtis's. It was awesome to see the look on their faces when they came back. Ahahaha I don't think I have ever dranken soo much pop, soo fast, while laughing at the same time. After dinner my friend and I ditched the guys, and went to see the movie Guess Who. It was a pretty good movie. Very funny.

Now I am just sitting at home, relaxing. Probably go to bed pretty soon. I didn't get home until 1:45 last night and didn't get enough sleep.
Tomorrow I gotta work on some homework. And maybe go look at houses again with my parents. That's another thing I did today. I went to look at houses with my mom because my parents wanna move. So we found an awesome house, that my mom and I totally fell in love with. It's in Royal Oak. Soooo nice. So I think we are taking my dad there tomorrow to look at it.

Well I am off.
Good night.

Friday, April 15, 2005

It's been a while

I noticed that it has been a while since I have updated so I figured I had better come and update.

This week has been pretty crazy with school and work. I worked late a couple of nights and did homework every night. But only one week left of classes, and then a week of final exams.

This weekend......I'm going out shopping tonight I think, tomorrow night I am going out for dinner and going to a movie. I'm excited. And the rest of the weekend whenever I have free time I am going to be doing homework.

I'm in class right now and we are just watching presentations. And so I gotta go and pay attention.
See ya

Monday, April 11, 2005

Doin better!

Good evening!

Today and yesterday were definately better days. Except I have had migraines both days which deinfately sucks. But at least I am not in a crying and depressed mood.

I kinda made the mistake though of going and reading all of the conversations between my ex and I. When things were good. It's crazy how well he use to treat me and then he just started treating me like shit. But it's something that happened and there is nothing I can do now, or really want to do. It didn't make me in a bad mood. Just made me miss the days when things were perfect.

So I hung out all weekend with one of my new friends from school. She's awesome and we get along so well. I was with her friday night, saturday night, and last night. She is trying to set me up with her best friend which is cool. He's seems pretty nice so far. I haven't actually talked to him too much though. I'm just not exactly sure if I am ready to date again right away.

Only 2 weeks left of classes. It's exciting but so scarey at the same time.

Anyways I'm off! Just thought I would update.

See ya

Saturday, April 09, 2005

I dunno....

I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I had another emotional break down today. It was during cranial. I was talking to my therapist about Jeff (my-ex) and I just started crying and couldn't stop. It's horrible. I hate feeling like this.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

In Class

So I haven't updated for a few days so I figured I'd better.

Right now I am sitting in Business Mathematics class. Pretty boring. Nothing tooo exciting.
I am doing well though in school right now. I'm so happy. I had a communications rough draft report due this morning that was worth 20% of my overall mark. My group got 100% on it. It's awesome. And I actually did the majority of the work on it.

After school I gotta go to work. It's gonna be crazy busy. But that might be a good thing because then I will be kept busy and won't be so damn bored.

I forgot to mention in my last couple of blogs my great talent of riding a bike. Hahaha I can do some pretty coooooool tricks. I tell you Jeff should be jealous of the talent I hold!!! hehehehe

Anyways back to paying attention.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

This post is dedicated to...

Jeff M!!!!!!

Just because you wanted me to update my blog I decided I would dedicate this post to you. So, HEY JEFF! how's it goin????

Other then that this post is gonna be gay. I haven't really done anything since my last post.
Yesterday I went out shopping for a bit, then went to Amy's boyfriends hockey game. It was pretty fun.
Then today I have just done some homework, gotten pissed off at my homework, and have been depressed. Life isn't great at the moment. Oh well.
3 weeks left of classes, and 1 week of exams. The 29th I am getting very drunk. FUN FUN! lol


Friday, April 01, 2005


Once again I haven't updated for a few days. This week has kinda all been a blur.
School has been alright...but very very busy. I have a ton of homework to do this weekend. But it'll all get just might involve not going out at all. But that's going...I gotta get shit done so that I don't have to try and do it all the night before it's due.

"I'm doin just fine, getting along very well without you in my life" That's a quote from a song that I really like right now. I'm actually doing pretty well about the whole situation the happened on Monday night. I haven't talked to Jeff at all which makes me happy, and I'm even happier that I haven't seen him at all since Tuesday. I'm still talking to Nate and he's actually helping me get through this.

Well there's not much more to say.

Have a good afternoon.

Bye bye!!!!